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Analysis of the Covid-19 situation

The Vitality Council has in recent months received several calls to analyze the Covid-19 situation in Denmark in order to bring clarity to the overwhelming amount of information that seems to point in all directions.

This is illustrated very clearly with a current example from the Faroe Islands, where 2/3 of triple-vaccinated and thoroughly tested nurses were found to be infected with Covid-19’s Omicron variant a few days after their gathering.

  • 33 nurses held Christmas lunch on December 3rd.
  • All were fully vaccinated + booster (3rd jab).
  • All were tested negative, including a majority with PCR testing within the last 36 hours.
  • After 3 days, 21 of the 33 were infected with Omicron.

As an explanation for this, the authorities then say that the vaccines can prevent serious illness and death, but not infection and re-infection. And this is where the information goes in all directions and has led our readers to ask the Vitality Council to sort out the threads.

It is difficult to see the logic in the fact that we have to vaccinate our children when they do not get sick from Covid-19 themselves. But they must be vaccinated so as not to infect their grandparents – they say. But when the vaccine does not protect against infection and re-infection, then that argument is gone.

Another example where logic fails is the Corona Passport, which is solely to ensure that the holder does not infect others. But when the vaccine does not protect against infection and re-infection, then it should only be previously ill and recently tested who can get a green corona passport. The vaccinated can be contagious and should not have a corona passport without testing like everyone else.

Several of the restrictions that weigh on the Danish business community and the population are without any kind of logic, and the documentation on which these are based goes in all directions. Much of the information we receive from the authorities is directly contradictory. With this analysis, the Vitality Council will therefore seek to bring the reader clarity on three important questions in particular, when we look at Covid-19’s last 3 winter epidemics in the light of the usual influenza epidemics:

  1. How dangerous is the Delta variant?
  2. How dangerous is the Omicron variant?
  3. What is the cost / benefit of the vaccine?

We will also supplement with information about the immunological mechanisms, test methods as well as prevention and treatment options.

In terms of danger compared to the flu, there is not much difference. The Delta variant seems to be like a severe flu for a few percent where it settles in the lower respiratory tract. It does not infect such a large part of the population, but has roughly the same mortality rate as influenza.

The Omicron variant spreads significantly faster than the Delta variant and influenza with a doubling time of 1.2 days. On the other hand, it is significantly milder, settles mainly only in the upper respiratory tract and has brought about a large decrease in the need for hospitalization and intensive treatment, just as mortality is very low, almost insignificant.

There seems to be a fundamental biological misconception behind the development of vaccines if the idea was that they should be “a superweapon” to stop an epidemic, let alone a pandemic. The vaccines do not protect against infection or re-infection, but provide a declining protection against serious illness and death for just over 3 months. But after 3-4 months, the  effect of the vaccine is directly negative for Omicron, so that the risk of becoming infected is 76% greater than if you have not been vaccinated at all. In terms of infection, the vaccines have no effect on the Omicron variant, which removes any argument for vaccinating children.

Furthermore, the available data show that reinfection occurs mainly in vaccinated and not in persons with natural immunity after Covid-19.


The disease

There is a disease called Covid-19 (CV19). It is caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2, which has a “spike protein” sitting on the surface of the virus particle. The spike protein mediates the virus’ passage across the cell membrane by linking to a receptor, ACE-2, which is widespread among the body’s cells. But the spike protein is also the pathogen that gives rise to symptoms, injuries and ultimate death.

SARS-CoV-2 is characterized in that, like influenza virus, it triggers a reaction with the release of a number of signaling molecules such as interleukins, interferons and lymphokines.

When this release is strong, it is called a “cytokine storm”. In Covid-19, it is so powerful that immune cells begin to damage the tissue where the process takes place, and here it is primarily the lung tissue that is damaged. The cytokine storm creates a violent inflammatory response and increased release of free oxygen radicals, which further damage the lung tissue due to the subsequent inflammatory microcoagulation seen in the pulmonary vessels. The lung tissue reacts by secreting a tough secretion that fills the lung alveoli, making it difficult to oxygenate the blood. Adding too much oxygen at this stage will only aggravate the situation, as several anesthesiologists have experienced when Covid-19 patients get their disease worsened if they are put on a respirator. The cytokine storm can then develop into a bradykinin storm with an effect on the renin-agiotensin ratio, so that the disease develops into a cardiovascular disease.

SARS-CoV-2 started as an alpha variant and has since been mutated several times, with the most widespread in 2021 being the Delta variant. It is now being supplanted by the Omicron variant. Most often, the virus mutates into a less pathogenic but more contagious type, which then becomes more or less endemic, which means that it joins the ranks of cold and flu viruses, which circulate in the population at intervals and which people therefore has an excellent defense against.

The vaccines

The new so-called mRNA vaccines program the body’s own cells to produce the spike protein, ie. doing exactly the same thing as the virus.

The AstraZeneca and JJ-Johnson vaccines provide the actual DNA code for the production of the spike protein. This is transported across the membrane by an empty adeno virus (in this case a modified chimpanzee virus). The DNA becomes part of the host cell’s DNA – presumably forever – and continues to produce spike protein according to the usual mechanism by which the code is transcribed into mRNA, which brings it from the nucleus to the ribosomes.

Pfizer / Moderna delivers the mRNA code directly – wrapped in synthetic liposomes (lipid nanoparticles). The plan was for the mRNA to go directly to the ribosomes and cause a modest, local production of spike protein and then (half a day) be neutralized by the nucleases present.

Two publications in the spring of 21 have changed this picture. First, the viral mRNA (introduced by SARS-CoV-2) can be reverse transcribed into the DNA of the host cell.1;2 As there is no qualitative difference in mRNA from the virus and from the vaccines, this implies that the mRNA code of the Pfizer / Moderna vaccine may also be latent in the DNA of the host cell and continue to produce spike protein. The injected person thus becomes a GMO. However, humans are excluded from the EU definition of GMOs and therefore also excluded from the 2001 environmental assessment assessment. 3

In July 2020, the EU also granted a temporary dispensation for the use of GMOs in medical treatment. 4 You could be tempted to assume that this was done to prepare for later authorizations for AstraZeneca’s and JJ ‑ Johnson’s vaccines that use a genetically modified adeno virus to bring the DNA across the host cell membrane. Furthermore, it was demonstrated in an animal model that the spike protein is pathogenic 5  and attacks cells with ACE-2 receptors. This, of course, is primarily the platelets and endothelium that are destroyed as the spike protein circulates in the bloodstream.

That the spike protein is the antigen that circulates throughout the body explains why home tests (antigen tests) can detect the spike protein in a nose scratch or in saliva.

In other words, you get Covid-19 from the injections, no matter what technology is used.

There is nothing speculative in this conclusion. It has been the official mechanism of action of vaccines since day one. In the near future, therefore, one can expect to see side effects from the vaccines, which are similar to the clinical symptoms now observed in the disease Covid-19. The long-term effects of the vaccines will be assessed below.

Composition of “today’s infection rates”

Today’s “infection rate” (positive RT-PCR test) can be composed of the following groupings:

  • Non-vaccinated, actually infected with resp. Delta or Omikron, registered with Ct <25 6 who are ill with symptoms. Should be treated early with hydroxychloroquine / zinc / azithromycin or ivermectin / azithromycin. 7
  • Non-vaccinated with positive PCR at Ct> 25 6 Weak or no symptoms. (Should have time to establish a T- and B-cell immune defense.)
  • Vaccinated who encounter Delta virus – and maybe even Omicron – for the first time. These individuals can have a violent, very unpleasant and ultimately fatal course. The explanation may lie in “Antibody Dependent Enhancement” (or “pathogenic priming”), which can end in a cytokine storm because the immune system overreacts in self-amplifying processes. This is especially true if they lack vitamin D, which moderates the cytokine storm.
  • Vaccinated who produce mRNA or encoded DNA fragments that are detected by PCR.
  • The conventional, dominant class of false positives, incl. common cases of influenza. WHO 8 and the CDC have publicly acknowledged that the RT-PCR test cannot differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus. As of January 1, 2022, the RT-PCR test can not be used to diagnose CV-19 in the United States! 9

Statens Seruminstituts (SSI) definitions

If the official announcements are already grinding in the logical sense, then it will not help to read the Serum Institute’s definitions 10(page 3):

  • “A post-vaccination infection is hereinafter defined as a positive PCR test for Covid-19.”
  • “A Covid-19 related hospitalization is defined as a hospitalization in which the patient was admitted within 14 days of the sampling date for the first positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR sample.”
  • “Covid-19-related death is defined as a Covid-19-confirmed case that has passed away within 30 days of being diagnosed with Covid-19 infection. Covid-19 is not necessarily the underlying cause of death. “

It is these numbers that the authorities have used to keep the population in fear. And if you take into account that the PCR test has also included cases of influenza 9, then that will be big numbers.
The reader may rightly ask whether this is politics or health facts.

The disease COVID-19

Autopsies in connection with CV-19 have been remarkably absent.

Only in Hamburg were all CV19 deaths autopsied at the beginning of the “pandemic”. A publication of the first 80 of these autopsies is available. 11

In support of the narrative of a pandemic, all individuals with a positive RT-PCR test, obtained both 4 weeks before and after death occurred, were classified as “Covid-19 deaths”.

The most important qualitative result of this work was that in only 2 (two) of the 80 autopsied were there no co-morbidities (other diseases) that could be the cause of death. The mean age was 79.2 years.

Comparison CV-19 with influenza

Such a comparison is important, as long as the Danish Minister of Health’s authoritarian powers are based on CV-19’s classification as “a generally dangerous disease” (text in Danish)

A Comparative Systematic Review of COVID-19 and Influenza 12

This study provides a comprehensive comparison of adult patients in SARS-CoV-2 and influenza infections in terms of comorbidities, clinical and paraclinical features and outcome. Clinical manifestations of COVID-19 and influenza appear to be similar with some differences. Thus, neurological symptoms and diarrhea were more frequently observed among CV19 cases, while vomiting, ocular and otorhinolaryngological symptoms were more frequently observed in influenza infection. Both viruses reduce lymphocytes. NE (neutrophilic leukocytes) were significantly more elevated in influenza than COVID-19 patients, whereas elevated transaminases were significantly more elevated in COVID-19 than in influenza patients. Radiological findings showed that GGO (Ground-glass opacity) is usually peripherally localized in COVID-19 compared to influenza, which also had central and random locations. All of these findings can help clinicians when dealing with cases of flu-like illnesses during a period when both flu and SARS-CoV-2 are circulating.


There are three factors to consider when reading this review 12:

  1. The overview ends on November 25, 2020, ie. before the emergence of “variants” and before vaccination began.
  2. At no time is a criterion provided – clinical or analytical – for diagnosing the patients with resp. influenza or CV-19. It is implied. One must assume that the differentiation is based solely on RT-PCR technology (which cannot distinguish).
  3. In this context, it should be remembered that American hospitals and doctors receive a hefty fee (USD 3,000) for enrolling a CV-19 patient in the hospital or subsequently classifying the patient as CV-19 and putting them on a respirator. In addition, the hospital receives $ 39,000 for each patient who dies from CV-19, which is not exactly an incentive to keep the patient alive.

A large number of clinical and technical parameters are listed and compared for the two patient categories.

COVID-19 Influenza Comment


Lung diseases
Circulatory diseases
Diabetes Obesity
Lung diseases
Autoimmune diseases
Age distribution Median 68 years Median 57
Dominates < 18 years
Relatively increased observation of clinical symptoms Neurological disorders, headaches, fatigue, loss of sense of taste, taste disorders. Gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea etc. Pregnancy problems Ear-nose-throat infections, cough, mucus, fever, vomiting, shortness of breath, snot, sore throat, Eye problems and visual disturbances. Pregnancy problems

Relatively higher laboratory analyzes

White blood cells elevated
Procalcitonin elevated
Indicates bacterial infection / inflammation,
Thrombocytopenia (lower platelet count) Platelets are attacked by spike protein
Transaminases elevated Included in the amino acid synthesis.
Liver effects.

X-ray of the lungs

GGO, shadows on the lungs
in CT scan (X-ray).
Interlobular septum thickening The walls of the small lung alveoli thicken
Peripheral distribution Shadows outside the lungs
Solid shadows in lungs
Linear opacities

Table 1. Summary of review Osman et al. 12

Comments on Table 1:

1) It must be remembered that the comorbidities are not a consequence of the disease. Rather, it is a selection of the patient categories that are most susceptible to infection.
Thus, when it is observed that comorbidities such as circulatory diseases, lung diseases, diabetes and obesity occur significantly more frequently among CV-19 patients, while lung diseases and weakened immune systems are more frequent among influenza patients, this could also be due to these patient categories’ different tendencies to give resp. positive or negative PCR test.

The discussion in this review12 offers a very interesting discussion about the mechanism and pathogenesis of the two infections, i.a. in relation to the ACE-2 receptors.

How dangerous is the Delta variant?

Morbidity (or morbidity) is the ratio between the number of disease cases and the size of the population in which they occur. Morbidity can be stated as incidence, ie. the occurrence of new cases within a given time period, usually one year, and as prevalence, ie. the total occurrence at a given time.

By mortality is in demographically respect meant the number of deaths per 1000 inhabitants in one year.

No children have died in Sweden of CV19.

There were 1,951,905 children (1-16 years) in Sweden per. January 1, 2020. Ludvigsson et al. 13 followed hospitalizations from this age group from March 1 to June 30 of the same year. There were no children who died from Covid-19 during this period, when there were neither shutdowns nor the use of masks in Sweden.

Similarly, statistics were kept on 13.7 million children in Germany. Among the 9.8 million children estimated not to have other diseases, 751,233 children, 5-17 years of age, had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.

Of these, none but 3 of 305,044 infants (0.001%) died.

Tabel showing risk associated with SARS-CoV-2 and PIMS for children without comorbidity

Figure 1. Figures from Sorg et al. 14 on CV-19 treatments in Germany of children without other diseases.

Delta is less dangerous than the original SARS-CoV-2 variant Massachusetts.

According to this report, 15 published by the CDC, from a location in Massachusetts with several large public gatherings and events on July 30, 2021, there were subsequently 26% more vaccinated than non-vaccinated individuals who were diagnosed with COVID -19 (Delta).

1% of the Massachusetts outbreak was hospitalized. No deaths were reported among 469 “confirmed” COVID-19 patients.

Consequently, the mortality from the Delta variant is not particularly high. It is significantly less than the mortality rate (almost 6%) reported in May 2020 in the United States. Although the Delta variant is quite contagious, it does not appear to be particularly dangerous in the United States, where 1 in 9 people has already (summer 2021) had a confirmed COVID-19, while the death rate was 1.68% (August 19, 2021, ), and the majority of Americans had been infected at least once with SARS-CoV-2.

Figure 2. Data from Massachusetts show that the vaccinated are overrepresented.

Tabel showing SARS-CoV-2 infections associated with large public gatherings

Tabel showing SARS-CoV-2 real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction cycle threshold values

Figure 3. Data from Massachusetts. Expansion of Ct6 and mean values of the same for PCR-positive in resp. unvaccinated and vaccinated. Note the larger range for the vaccinated to Ct = 39.

Conclusions:                                                 The Delta variant is quite contagious, but is not very dangerous.
                                                                         It does not matter if you are vaccinated or not.


How dangerous is the Omicron variant?

The emergence of Omicron

South Africa

The first sequencing of the Omicron variant was reported in Botswana on November 11, 2021. 16 It was the fifth “Variant Of Concern” (VOC) after alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa, lambda and mu, as well as new sub-variants of these.

Figure showing SARS-CoV-2 cases in first, second, third, and fourth waves

Figure 4. The number of Omicron cases doubles every 1.2 days. 16

According to the sequencing, there are 30 mutations in the genome. Most mutations are located at the tip of the spike protein, and this makes it more difficult for them to attach to the ACE receptors in the lungs.

The world press

As early as the beginning of December, the horror scenario was projected onto the world opinion: the new variant could perhaps circumvent the immunity that the vaccines had provided.

But hospitalizations plunges in South Africa (Dec. 17, 2021)

South Africa’s Minister of Health: “Only 1,7 % of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the second week of the current fourth wave of the virus resulted in hospitalization. That’s compared with 19 % who were hospitalized in the same week of the third wave, which was driven by the Delta variant.”

Table showing Covid-19 in-hospital case fatality ratio in first 25 days of 2. 3. and 4. wave

Figure 5. Admissions in Tshwane, South Africa, where the Omicron variant was first registered.

Figure 5 shows that the fatality rate for the “fourth wave” (Omicron) in South Africa is far less than for the first variants in all age groups. But South Africans are not vaccinated to the same degree as Northern Europeans. So the course can be more dramatic at home latitudes when the omicron runs into the ADE wall.*1 Africans are younger and may have a better immune defence.

*1 Antibody Dependent Enhancement resp. pathogenic priming

The effectiveness of the injections

Statens Serum Institut (SSI) published a report on the occurrence of Delta / Omicron variant 22 / 11-15 / 12 – 202119.  17

In Figure 6, SSI gives the total number of Omicron cases. B.1.1.529 is the Omicron variant. Their data are based on variant PCR and whole genome sequencing.

Data fra Statens Serum Institut (SSI) der offentliggjorde en rapport om forekomst af Delta/Omikron variantFigure 6. Number of Omicron cases in DK weeks 47-49.5 according to SSI.

Figure 7 shows SSI’s statement of the effectiveness of the vaccine for all cases, incl. Omicron.

Tabel med SSI’s opgørelse af effektiviteten af vaccinen for alle tilfælde, inkl. Omikron.

Figure 7. Vaccination status for persons >12 years with Omicron infection compared to other variants. Weeks 47-49,5. Table 4 in Ref.19. Why column 3 does not match Figure 6 is not known.

The “revaccinated” have received 3 injections, the “completed” have received two. When calculating the total number of injections in all persons in Figure 7, it therefore becomes the following calculation:

7.657×3 + 60.326×2 + 3.019 + 1.884×3 + 14.053×2 + 313 = 180.719 injections.

The total number of vaccinated individuals among all PCR-positive are:

7.657 + 60.326 + 3.019 + 1.884 + 14.053 + 313 = 87.252 was vaccinated.
The average vaccination rate will therefore be =

180719/87252 = 2,07 injections / person.

The total number of PCR-positive persons (ie incl. Unvaccinated) is:

93.146 + 17.767 = 110.913 were PCR-positive

Percentage vaccinated of all 110,913 PCR-positive:

87.252 x 100/110.913 = 79 % of the PCR positive (infected) were vaccinated.

But they are very unevenly distributed between “other variants” and Omicron.

In the group “Other variants” it is 100 – 23,8 = 76,2 %, who have been vaccinated and tested positive.

In the Omicron group it is 100 – 8,5 = 91,5 %, who have been vaccinated and tested positive.

One must note that the vaccines largely do not protect against infection by the first variants of SARS-CoV-2 and not at all against the Omicron variant.

In the article discussed below from SSI, the same conclusion is reached (Figure 8).

SSI study of injection protection against Omicron infection.

21.12.23 SSI submitted a manuscript to JAMA entitled:

”Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron or Delta variants.” 18

Infected resistance to Omicron infection and Delta in relation to vaccination with Pfizer and Modern, as a person is described as vaccinated in the third week after the 2nd injection.

Infection is detected by specific PCR + sequencing of 5% of the cases. So it is not people who are sick. It is just a “cases of infection”.

The result is shown in Figure 8.

Data showing vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CiV-2 infection with the Delta and Omicron variants

Figure 8. From SSI preprint submitted to JAMA. Resistance to infection of Delta and Omicron, respectively, as a function of time after the 14th day after the 2nd injection.

The zero point corresponds to unvaccinated. It is seen that the effectiveness of the injections against infection decreases with time. Resistance to Delta decreases less than to Omicron. The ability to counteract infection with Omicron, on the other hand, is worse than catastrophic. It becomes negative. Three-and-a-half months after receiving the second injection of Pfizer, you are 76% more likely to be infected (tested positive) than if you were unvaccinated. It is obvious that the vaccine weakens the immune system and that this manifests itself just months after the vaccination.

As can be seen from the last line in Figure 9, at the third injection (booster) you are back to start, ie. 55% immunity after 30 days.

Table showing estimated vaccine effectiveness for BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 against infection with the SARS-CiV-2 Omicron and delta variants

Figure 9. Same data as Figure 8 in tabular form plus the effect of the third booster

SSI study: SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOC Transmission in Danish Households

Danish study published December 23, 2021. 19

Here is the summary of the world press:

Omicron Spreads Faster Than Delta Within Vaccinated Individuals – Danish Study | 4 Jan 2022 |

A Danish study of nearly 12,000 households has discovered that Omicron spreads faster than Delta among those who are fully vaccinated, and even higher between those who have received booster shots, demonstrating strong evidence of the variant’s immune evasiveness. The Omicron variant was found to evade the immunity of vaccinated individuals at a much faster pace compared to Delta, and at a higher rate than the unvaccinated, according to the study conducted by researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Statistics Denmark, and Statens Serum Institut. “Comparing households infected with the Omicron to Delta VOC, we found an 1.17 times higher SAR (Secondary Attack Rate) for unvaccinated, 2.61 times higher for fully vaccinated and 3.66 times higher for booster-vaccinated individuals, demonstrating strong evidence of immune evasiveness of the Omicron VOC,” said the preprint of the study.”
The result is summarized in the article in this table:


Tabel der viser odds ratio estimater for effekten af at bo i husstande inficeret med Omikron sammen holdt med hussstande inficeret med Delta


Figure 10. Odds ratio (OR) is the relative probability of infection in one of the three categories of households where one person has tested positive with Omicron, compared to households infected with Delta, where OR is arbitrarily set to 1 (ref.). From Lyngse et al. 19

One may wonder about the authors’ conclusion in the abstract, namely that the result should “demonstrate strong evidence for the Omicron variant’s ability to evade the immune system.”

It would be correct to say that it shows the ability of the Omicron to evade vaccine immunity.

In other words, the vaccines do not work on the Omicron variant.

But not only that. SSI again proves directly that the vaccines weaken the immune system:

Omicron infects more than Delta. SAR2 is 31% in households with Omicron, 21% in households with Delta, regardless of age group. This can be due to several things.

However, if a vaccine does not work, there should be no difference between vaccinated and non-vaccinated, regardless of which pathogen the vaccine was aimed at.

But there is. We read horizontally:

Omicron infects 2.7 – 3.7 times more among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated.

Assuming that the variant RT-PCR analysis method used is reliable, it must again be concluded that the vaccines weaken the immune system.

Other data from the SSI report
The authors are surprised that they do not find any difference in infection of resp. Delta and Omicron among the unvaccinated (Figures 10 and 12). This result is used to justify non-pharmaceutical interventions (masks, social distancing, etc.) among all categories (when it does not matter). And when the vaccines do not work, then you have to develop new vaccines… It must surprise the reader.


Kurver der viser antallet af dage fra sidste vaccination til forekomst af et sekundært tilfælde af de to virus-varianter

Figure 11. Shows how many days elapse from the last vaccination to the occurrence of a secondary case of the two variants. From appendix. 19

It can be seen that the delay in infection within the household is expected to be the same 3.5 months as SSI reports for the weakening of the Pfizer / Moderna vaccines (Figure 8).

The same is seen in Italy, where the Director of the Italian Institute of Infectious Diseases, Professor Anna Teresa Palamara says to Italian TV:

… “The reason is first and foremost that in Italy, as in other European countries, the variant infects primarily vaccinated people, and especially those who have been vaccinated with three doses.”

95% of new Omicron cases in Germany are vaccinated

The absence of certain tables in the weekly report from the Robert Koch Institute on 30 / 12-2021 20 is excused with the lack of data.

But on page 14 it says:

”Zu den im Meldesystem vorliegenden Omikronfällen sind zum Teil Zusatzinformationen bekannt. Für 6.788 Fällewurden Angabenzu den Symptomen übermittelt, es wurden überwiegend keine oder milde Symptome angegeben. Am häufigsten wurde von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Symptomen Schnupfen (54 %), Husten (57 %) und Halsschmerzen (39 %) genannt. 124 Patientinnen und Patienten wurden hospitalisiert, vier Person sind verstorben. Für 543 (5 %) Fälle wurde eine Exposition im Aus-land angegeben. 186 Patientinnen und Patienten waren ungeimpft, 4.020 waren vollständig geimpft, von diesen wurde für 1.137 eine Auffrischimpfung angegeben. Auf Basis der übermittelten Daten wurden unter allen übermittelten Omikron-Infektionen 148 Reinfektionen ermittelt, zukeiner der von Reinfektion betroffenen Person wurden Vorerkrankungen übermittelt. Abbildung 9 zeigt die Verteilung der bisher übermittelten Omikronfälle in Deutschland. In allen Bundesländern wurden Omikronfälle nachgewiesen.”

So for some of the Omikron cases, there is still additional information.

In 4,206 of the cases, information on vaccine status is available. Of these, 4,020 were vaccinated. 186 was not. If this subgroup was representative, it means that 95% of the registered Omicron cases are vaccinated.

From page 13: Between 21.11.21 and 21.12.27, 10,443 Omicron cases were registered in Germany. Of these, only 1,555 (15%) were sequenced. The rest was identified using a modified RT-PCR test.

When 95% are vaccinated and thus are protected against infection, one could imagine that the vaccine gives false positive PCR tests.

The increase in Covid-19 cases has no correlation with vaccine status in 68 countries and 2,947 US regions.

Study, 21 examining a possible correlation between the degree of vaccination and the incidence of CV19. Data are from September, 2021, so it is the “Delta variant.”

Graph showing relationship between cases per 1 million people (last 7 days) and percentage of population fully vaccinated across 68 countries as of Sep. 3, 2021

Caption: Relationship between cases per 1 million people (last 7 days) and percentage of population fully vaccinated across 68 countries as of September 3, 2021. (See table S1 for the underlying data).

Figure 12. Number of registered “cases” in a week at the beginning of September 2021 per. million in different countries as a function of the vaccination coverage.

Figure 12 shows that there is no clear relationship between the countries’ vaccination rate and new Covid-19 (Delta) cases within the observed week. There appears to be only a marginal positive correlation with higher cases of CV-19 among the fully vaccinated. Israel, for example, has the highest number of CV-19 cases with a vaccination rate of 70%.

It is also seen in other studies  that reinfection only occurs in vaccinated people, and not in people with natural immunity after CV-19.

Figur der viser antal ”tilfælde” i 2947 regioner i USA som funktion af vaccinationsgraden

Figure 13. Number of “cases” in 2947 regions in the United States as a function of the vaccination rate.

Among the nearly three thousand regions surveyed in the United States, there is also no clear trend (Figure 13). The 40-45% covered have e.g. just as many cases as the 0 – 5%. Also note that the spread in data varies completely unsystematically.

Tabel with percentage of 15 countries that experienced an increase of cases between 2 consecutive 7-day time periods

Figure 14. Percentages of regions within each of the different categories of vaccine coverage that experienced an increase. For example, among the group of regions that had 45-50% vaccine coverage, there were approx. 70% who experienced an increase in “cases”.

The rise – ie. not the nominal number – is also seen to vary quite unsystematically among the US regions (Figure 14) regardless of vaccination rate.

Figures from the UK Health Security Agency as of 21.11.05 also show a negative effect of the vaccines.

The figures in the table in Figure 15 are taken 22 from Table 5 in the UK Health Security Agency COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 44.  23

Tabel fra UK Health Security Agency med data fra vaccinerede og uvaccinerede der viser negativ vaccine effektivitet

Figure 15. Table based on figures from UKHSA shows negative vaccine efficacy. 22; 23

The vaccine efficacy figures are calculated somewhat similarly to those used by Pfizer to announce a 95% efficacy (against non-specific symptoms) of their injection after the short phase 3 trial in autumn 2020. The point there was that they used the “infected” in the control group as a reference and calculated the reduction in “infection” from their absolute numbers.

Not quite the same here – and a little more correctly.

There is talk of “confirmed cases” 23, which means a positive PCR test.

In the article 22 it is assumed – not entirely unfair – that the number of “infected” among 100,000 of the unvaccinated would be the infection rate if the vaccines were completely ineffective.

Taking the 40-49-year-olds as an example, this means that 932.9 of the vaccinated who have been infected would have been infected anyway if they had not been vaccinated.

This means that (2,124.6 – 932.9) = 1191.7 have been infected BECAUSE they have been vaccinated.

That is (1,191.7 x 100) / 932.9 = 128% So 28% EXTRA of the 100% (932.9), which is the “normal” infection rate in this age group per. 100,000.

Adding up the numbers you get:

Total number of infected among the vaccinated: 7.588.8

Total number of infected among the non-vaccinated: 4,399.6

Over-representation among vaccinated: 3,189.2

Which is (3,189.2 x100) /4,399.6 = 72.5% MORE than there should be among the vaccinated, IF the vaccines were totally ineffective.

The vaccines are thus 72,5% worse than nothing.

Vaccine injury reports

Current figures from EudraVigilance Dec. 4, 2021

Figur fra European Medicine Agency der oplister antallet af bivirkninger og dødsfald fra Covid-19 vacciner frem til dec. 21.


Vaccine injuries in the EU are being reported to EudraVigilance. Figure 16 shows the figures per. December 4, 2021. We do not know what the reporting rate is in the EU. But it is known from a study conducted by Harvard University in 2011 ( ) that the reporting rate for the corresponding US surveillance system VAERS is only 1%.

So if we are really forthcoming and estimate that the reporting rate for EudraVigilance is ten times higher, ie. 10%, the above figures must be “only” multiplied by 10. Then you come to the conclusion that per. December 4, 21, 320,000 people had died from the vaccines in the EU. In addition, approx. 30 million injured. It is not about a slight nausea or sore shoulder. Approx. half of these persons required hospitalization and are lifetime-long.

Total mortality

If you look at the total mortality in Denmark in the years up to and including 2021 (see nf.), You can not help but stumble upon the remarkable excess mortality found in 2021 from May onwards. It is especially surprising that there is such a large excess mortality in the summer months, when there were no corona cases.

Although coincidence is not the same as causality the excess mortality coincides with the vaccine rollout, which from May covered 90% of the risk group and almost 80% of the entire population. A large proportion of these are probably the result of closures and restrictions the year before, so that many cancer patients and heart patients have arrived late for treatment, just as the many restrictions have had an effect on the psychological parameters.

We must expect that this excess mortality has the attention of the authorities and is being carefully investigated.

Graf over det samlede anta dødsfald per måned i Danmark 2007 - 21

The graph above shows the total number of deaths in Denmark per month. The excess mortality rate is 2936 persons. The brown line shows the average 2007-21.

If we go abroad, we also find remarkable data:

A study from the Netherlands shows how reinfection only occurs in vaccinated people, and not in people with natural immunity after Covid-19.

Excess mortality is seen in the most vaccinated states in Germany.

Minutes of report submitted to the Land Parliament in Thuringia on November 16, 2021

Figur der viser overdødelighed i forhold til gennemsnittet i Tyske delstater sammenholdt med vaccinationsgraden

Figure 17. Excess mortality compared to the average in German Länder compared to the vaccination rate.
Figure 17 shows a clear trend: The states (Saxony and Thuringia) with the lowest vaccination rate will have the lowest excess mortality in 2021.

(Prof. Dr. Rolf Steyer, Dr. Gregor Kappler, ”Jehöher die Impfquote, desto höher die Übersterblichkeit”, November 16, 2021, Analyse in Auftraggegeben von Dr. Ute Bergner und von Dr. Bergner am 17.11. vor dem Thüringer Landtag in einer Rede vorgestellt.)

What is the risk of the mRNA vaccine?

The increased risk of infection among the vaccinated may have several causes, which compromise the immune system. The spike protein is an aggressive antigen that promotes inflammatory response in general with what follows.

About myocarditis, the ACE-2 receptor and top athletes:

Children and young people have fewer ACE-2 receptors than old ones, which is why young people do not get CV-19, in contrast to the common flu, which children get much more frequently.

The ACE-2 receptor is located in many different tissues, primarily lungs, heart, endothelium, liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.

The Omicron variant can only poorly bind to the ACE-2 receptor because there are 25 amino acids in the S1 domain that have been replaced compared to Delta. And these amino acid changes have especially taken place at the top of the spike protein, where it binds to the ACE-2 receptor (Figure 21).

Picture of Delta and Omicron spike proteins showning their respective number of mutations

Figure 18. Models of the spike protein in the Delta and Omicron variants, respectively.
(copied from an article on

That’s why people do not get so sick from Omicron. But it is contagious because it replicates 20 x faster than Delta.

When the ACE-2 receptor is blocked by the spike protein, its normal function in angiotensin release is prevented, thereby compromising the normal vascular contraction and -dilation.

Via angiotensin production, the ACE-2 receptor is actually anti-inflammatory, and if it is blocked by the spike protein, the inflammation will gain extra momentum during the cytokine storm. This, too, will be less pronounced by infection with the Omicron variant, because this can not adhere so well to the ACE-2 receptor.

If, for example. you are an athlete with a high physics performance level  then you needs an effective ACE-2-angiotensin response, which could be compromised by spike proteins from the previous types or the vaccine-induced production by your body.

The number of top athletes getting heart problems has exploded. An updated (17/12-21) – but not exhaustive – list can be found here:

Graph showing increasing number of athlete collapses and deaths 2021-22.

326 medical histories are listed, incl. 183 deaths. It is based on voluntary, personal reports, not necessarily from doctors.

Second listing, Israel, per. Nov. 15: 183 top athletes. Most athletes are males (only 15 females). The vast majority are 17-40 years. Only 21 are older (5 aged 42-45, six aged 46-49, 7 aged 51-54, and 3 others aged 60-64). 23 are teenagers, aged 12-17, 16 died.

Letter from the Danish Medicines Agency to doctors and healthcare professionals dated July 19, 2021 warns of the risk of:

Myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with the mRNA vaccines Comirnaty and Spikevax against COVID-19. The cases mainly occurred within 14 days after the second vaccination and are most often seen in younger men. ”


Letter from the Danish Medicines Agency to doctors and healthcare professionals dated August 26, 2021 warns of:

“Possible risk of developing multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) after vaccination with Comirnaty (Pfizer / BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine)”
Reference is made to Danish study: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children occurred in one of four thousand children with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 – Holm – 2021 Acta Paediatrica: It is from Covid-19, not the vaccine.

The Japanese Ministry of Health warns against myocarditis / pericarditis on the vaccines.

Pr. November 14, 2021, 160 cases had been registered in Japan of myocarditis respectively pericarditis among one million boys/men (10 – 30 years) vaccinated with Moderna / Pfizer.

Therefore, there is now a formal warning against “serious side effects” of myocarditis on the package leaflets/packaging, and the clinics in Japan are subject to stricter reporting obligations.

Here is a Japanese report with many important informations from Japan: (s.32-38)

Vaccines Pose 7 Times Higher Death Risk than COVID for Young People, Japanese Experts Warn

“The death risk of the jabs (injections) may even be as high as 40 times greater for young people.”

Note that in Japan vaccine injury is not recorded beyond 30 days after injection.

This figure can be understood immediately:

Figure showing comparison of cause of death: vaccinated and general population

Figure 19. From page 32 – 38. ”COVID-19 vaccine: Strong association with cardiovascular death, especially hemorrhagic stroke and venous thrombosis.” (p.32-38)

The reference group is from 2019, as no data can be collected from non-vaccinated in 2021.

Pages 38 – 41 ”Causal link between vaccination and subsequent death”.

Figure showing distribution of days to death after vaccination and incubation period of Covid-19

Figure 20. Number of days from injection to death, compared with the incubation period for COVID-19.

Figure 20 again supports the simple consideration that one gets COVID-19 from the injection when the mortality of persons <65 peaks on day 4 just like the incubation time for a viral infection.

“Therefore, the fact that the number of days to deaths after inoculation is similar to the incubation period of COVID-19 in the medical workers or people under the age of 65 is biologically plausible and this also supports the causality.”

It is also noted here that children and young people have far fewer ACE-2 receptors than old ones. Therefore, they do not get sick from CV-19.

Pages 41 – 43. Mortality risk of vaccination is 7 times higher than that of COVID-19 in 20s.

Figure showing mortality risk ratio of vaccinated medical workers to death from Covid-19

Figure 21. In the column to the right, age has been multiplied, which is why the spread between young and old is greater. There are no calculations for people under 20 for the simple reason that no one was killed by Covid-19. (You can not divide by zero.)

“Harm of vaccination in children may be enormous. There were no deaths due to COVID-19 infection under the age of 20 until September 1, 2021. If children in this age group are vaccinated, it may cause death. Mortality risk from vaccination may be lower in children than people in their 20s. Even so, the mortality risk ratio cannot be calculated because the number of death from COVID-19 is “0” in Japan by September 1, 2021.”

Norway August 21. More people than expected get myocarditis.

“We just give one injection.”

VAERS September 21. 6x increased likelihood of myocarditis in young men

Original article 26, preprint:

The figures are for Pfizer after the 2nd dose:

Boys 12– 15 years: 162 cases per. million. That equates to 1: 6,000
Boys 16 – 17 years: 94 cases per. million. That equates to 1: 10,000
The girls are not so badly affected.

It is estimated that 44 young people will be hospitalized per million with CV-19 over a 120-day period. That equates to 1: 23,000.

“Conclusion: According to a new pre-print study, boys between the ages of 12 and 15, with no underlying medical conditions, were four to six times more likely to be diagnosed with vaccine-related myocarditis than they were to be hospitalized with COVID.”


The various vaccine side effects and causal relationships have been difficult to understand as results from autopsies of the cases have been lacking. Professors Bhakdi and Burkhardt from the University of Gutenberg in Mainz have filled this gap with their histopathological study from December 2021, documenting why the vaccines do not work and how the vaccines can cause death: ( )

Cited from translation:

“A fundamental flaw behind the development of the Covid-19 vaccines was to neglect the functional distinction between the two main categories of antibodies that the body produces to protect itself against pathogenic microbes.

The first category (secretory IgA) is produced by immune cells (lymphocytes), which are located directly under the mucous membranes that line the airways and the intestinal tract. The antibodies produced by these lymphocytes are secreted through and to the surface of the mucous membranes. These antibodies are thus in place to meet airborne viruses.

The second category of antibodies (IgG and circulating IgA) occurs in the bloodstream. These antibodies protect the body’s internal organs against infectious substances trying to spread through the bloodstream.

Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – that is, the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA.

Such antibodies can not and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection with SARS-CoV-2. Thus, the currently observed “breakthrough infections” among vaccinated individuals merely confirm this fundamental design flaw in the vaccines. Measurements of antibodies in the blood can never provide any information about the true status of immunity against infection in the respiratory tract.”

This is their explanation for why the vaccines do not prevent infection and re-infection.

But they have also analyzed the causes of death and they write:

“Histopathological findings of the same type were detected in organs from 14 of the 15 deceased. The most frequently affected were the heart (14 out of 15 cases) and the lungs (13 out of 15 cases).”

In addition, they find as dominant findings in all affected tissues in all the dead:

  • Increased inflammation in the small blood vessels, with an abundance of T lymphocytes and dead endothelial cells in the blood vessels.
  • Extensive accumulation of T lymphocytes around the blood vessels and in a variety of organs.

When infected via the respiratory tract with a coronavirus, the infection will primarily be localized to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

However, when a drug is injected (into the body itself) that programs the cells to generate the viral spike protein, any cell that expresses this foreign antigen will be attacked by the immune system, involving both IgG antibodies and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. This can happen in all organs. For example, we now see how the heart of many young people is affected by pericarditis, myocarditis and even acute heart attack and death.

Whether these tragedies could be in a causal relationship with the vaccines has so far been unclear, as the crucial investigations based on autopsies have not been available until now.


Orthomolecular measures against Covid-19

The Vital Council has in newsletters available as articles on the Vital Council’s website since May 2020 written and documented the options available to prevent serious Covid-19 disease. So here we must confine ourselves to a quick summary:

The most important are daily exercise in fresh air, 7-8 hours of sleep and a good, varied diet without too much sugar. Next, supplement with extra Vitamin D, Selenium, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin C.

Vitamin D3: 75-100 mg, vitamin C: 2-3,000 mg, selenium: 100-200 mg, zinc: 20-30 mg and magnesium 2-300 mg. The small dose is for those weighing less than 70 Kg.
In addition, you can supplement with vitamin-A, -B6, -K2, and if you are a vegetarian, then also -B12.

And remember in the dark winter, when the flu is always raging: Vitamin D in the blood should rise to 100-150 nmol / l (40-60 ng/ml).

Right from the start of the pandemic, it was established that there was no treatment for Covid-19.

This statement has paved the way for the rollout of vaccines, and is not true either.

Often you see pseudo-science, where you use vitamins and minerals as treatment after disease outbreaks, and even often in relatively small doses. It is pointless and only suitable to show that it does not work. These nutrients are for prevention.

An exception, however, is Vitamin C in high doses given intravenously under medical supervision.

There are only sparse documentation here at the Covid-19 pandemic, but in the past there is ample evidence of an effect on viral infections.

Already early in the pandemic there have been numerous attempts with hydroxychloroquine, but with very varying results.

Hydrogen peroxide in ultra-weak solution has been tried as nasal or pulmonary inhalation with promising results. But a proper investigation is lacking.

Ivermectin is a remedy for scabies and certain parasites and has eventually got a well documented effect on Covid-19  ( ). Among others, the Indian health authorities have approved a treatment with Ivermectin, Doxycycline and zinc.

There are a number of other combined treatment regimens that also include IV Vitamin-C.

In addition, there are studies on several natural substances, such as. Melatonin, Quercetin, Glycyrrhizin as examples of some of the supplements that have potential as remedies against Covid-19.



(In the final addendum, reference is made to the Vitality Council’s articles, where further references can be found.)

(1) Thomas L. SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed to be part of chimeric viral-human genome. 2020.

(2) Zhang L, Richards A, Barrasa MI, Hughes SH, Young RA, Jaenisch R. Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues. PNAS 2021; 118.

(3) EU. Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. 2001.

(4) EU. Vaccine mod covid-19: Rådet vedtager foranstaltninger for at fremme hurtig udvikling. 2022.

(5) Lei Y, Zhang J, He M, Schiavon CR, Chen L, Shen H et al. SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2. Circulation Research 2021; 128:1323.

(6) Harrit N. Validiteten af RT-PCR testen vurderet på basis af dyrkningsdata. Newsvoice. 2022.

(7) American Association of Physicians and Surgeons. Physician List & Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment. 2021.

(8) WHO. WHO Information Notice for IVD Users. Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2. 2020.

(9) CDC. 07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing. CDC . 2021.

(10) Statens Serum Institut. Covid-19 Gennembruds-infektioner og vaccineeffektivitet. 2021.

(11) Edler C, Sperhake P, Et al. Dying with SARS-CoV-2 infection – an autopsy study of the first consecutive 80 cases in Hamburg, Germany. Int J Legal Med 2020; 134:1275-1284.

(12) Osman M, Klopfenstein Te, Belfeki N, Gendrin V, Zayet S. A Comparative Systematic Review of COVID-19 and Influenza. Viruses 2021; 13(3):452.

(13) Ludvigsson JF, Engerström L, Nordenhäll C, Larsson E. Open Schools, Covid-19, and Child and Teacher Morbidity in Sweden. N Engl J Med 2021; 2021/01/06(7):669-671.

(14) Sorg AL, Hufnagel M, Doenhardt M, Diffloth N, Schroten H, Kries R et al. Risk of Hospitalization, severe disease, and mortality due to COVID-19 and PIMS-TS in children with SARS-CoV-2 infection in Germany.medRxiv 2021;2021.

(15) Brown.C.M., Et al. Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings —
Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2021.

(16) Karim SSA, Karim QA. Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant: a new chapter in the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet 2021; 398(10317):2126-2128.

(17) Statens Serum Institut. Covid-19 Rapport om omikronvarianten. 2021.

(18) Hansen CH, Schelde AB, Moustsen-Helm IR, Emborg HD, Krause TG, Mølbak KÃ et al. Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron or Delta variants following a two-dose or booster BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccination series: A Danish cohort study. medRxiv 2021;2021.

(19) Lyngse FP, Mortensen LH, Denwood MJ, Christiansen LE, Møller CH, Skov RL et al. SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOC Transmission in Danish Households.medRxiv 2021;2021.

(20) Robert Koch Institut Tyskland.Wöchentlicher Lagebericht des RKI zur Coronavirus-Krankhei-2019 (COVID-19). 2022.

(21) Subramanian SV, Kumar A. Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States. European Journal of Epidemiology 2021; 36(12):1237-1240.

(22) The Exposé. Latest UKHSA report shows the Covid-19 Vaccines have an average real world effectiveness of MINUS 73%. The Exposé . 2021.

(23) UK Health Security Agency. COVID 19 vaccine surveillance report Week 44. 2021.

(24) UK Health Security Agency. SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England Technical briefing 31. 2022.

(25) Steyer R, Kappler G. Je höher die Impfquote, umso höher die Übersterblichkeit. 2021.

(26) Høeg TB, Krug A, Stevenson J, Mandrola J. SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination-Associated Myocarditis in Children Ages 12-17: A Stratified National Database Analysis. https://wwwmedrxiv org 2021.


Claus Hancke
Specialist in general medicine

Niels Harrit
Lecturer KU(retd.)

Sorgenfri January 20, 2022

How do we handle Covid-19?

December 15, 2021

Covid-19 virusThe other day, I heard the happy voice of a radio host on DR4 tell me that the Omicron infection is rising and rising, while the Delta variant has slowly begun to decline.

Then great concern about the rising infection makes the radio host say: “And what can we do then? -Yes, we can be vaccinated, for example. ”

I listened intently to hear if there were other examples since he said “for example”.

But there was no more.

It’s horrible to hear that we are only relying on vaccines, now that we have persistent messages that the current vaccine does not work very well on the Omicron variant, and that its effect even on the Delta variant is gone after 7 months .

Strangely enough, the vaccine’s short shelf life does not make the authorities seek other, more effective solutions, but on the contrary is used as an argument for more frequent booster vaccinations. It is as if you can not think in other directions at all, even if you are face to face with the vaccine’s limitations: it does not prevent you from becoming infected, it does not prevent you from passing on the infection, and it only lasts 7 months.

It is actually quite impressive that everyone, from the Danish Prime Minister to various experts, has been talking about vaccines alone for almost two years. Right from March 2020, the Prime Minister spoke about vaccines, as if she could already predict that such a vaccine would be developed in an unprecedented record time. -Well spotted.

Not a word about the prevention or treatment of the disease, as mentioned in the Lancet and in our newsletter of November 25, 2021.

As we are flooded with research results on both the prevention and treatment of covid-19, then this uncensored newsletter must of course pass on these results when the other media are not allowed to.

As early as May 6, 2020, the Vitality Council’s newsletter reviewed the first results of prevention with vitamin D. This has been described and documented numerous times since, also with good review articles, and in February 2021, 200 researchers and doctors wrote an open letter to all governments and health authorities appealing to be aware that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of severe Covid-19 disease. In this letter, the researchers explain in detail the dosage needed to achieve the desired value in the blood, and as a curiosity, they also mention how much they themselves take. It is always a good sign when a doctor dares to take his own cure.

The vast majority of doctors take 100 µg (4000 IU) daily and aim for a recommended serum concentration of at least 75 nmol/L (30 ng/ml). This is far below the level in most Danes.

Another important piece of information in their letter is that a calculation error of factor 10 were made when calculating the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) in the United States. This value of 1/10 of the ideal, was unfortunately adopted by other countries, and became ADT (Recommended Daily Supply) here in Denmark; – what is now called RI (Reference Intake). Regarding vitamin D, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration still recommend RI to be 5 µg (200 IU) daily. In 2020, the National Board of Health has increased this recommendation to 10 µg daily, which is approx. 10% of what we really need.

What do we do then? First and foremost, we get our vitamin D content measured in the blood. If it is below 75 nmol/L, then we take vitamin D in double dose, which for a normal-weight, adult person is 200 µg daily, until the vitamin D level has exceeded 75 nmol/L, after which you continue with 100 µg daily.

If you are overweight, you need significantly more, because vitamin D will be stored in the fat layer, where it does not do much good.
When it is above the desired 75 nmol/L, there is a significantly lower risk of serious, hospital-requiring covid-19 disease.

Dear reader. You may be tired of us constantly returning to vitamin D. But when you are not allowed to get this information from the authorities who are suppose to take care of you, then do not think that the information does not exist.

In the same way, there is a lot of good research on vitamins A, -C and -K2 as well as the minerals Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc, all of which contribute to a well-functioning immune system and prevent severe Covid-19 disease.

But maybe it’s all just a storm in a teacup.
Indeed, much information suggests that the highly contagious Omicron-B.1.1.529 variant is no more dangerous than a mild flu.

Due to its high contagion, Omicron will just as quietly take over the epidemic, and then we’re back to a fairly ordinary winter season with a mild flu.
After this, society can open up and start functioning normally again.
A mild flu, we know how to prevent – and treat.

Have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

Take care of yourself and others.

Claus Hancke MD
Specialist in general medicine

Good news for the unvaccinated

November 25, 2021

What is happening in the Danish society?
Denmark is a wonderful country! One must look for a long time for a more tolerant, incorruptible and trusting people!
So far, most Danes can probably agree.

Therefore, we can not help but ask: What is happening in our country right now?
Are we talking about an A-team and a B-team? The vaccinated and the UN-vaccinated? Yes, according to the Danish Prime Minister, we are!
It is disrespectful, and we must go far back in history to see such state-run disgrace of a minority.
And is it at all true that the unvaccinated are a danger and “live life dangerously”? Let’s look at the facts.

We can ourselves
Every day in our lives where we are symptom-free (healthy), it is not due to the absence of viruses or bacteria, but to the presence of an active, balanced immune system that does exactly what it is designed for.
– And which no vaccine can replace.

When health professionalism became politics
Lack of knowledge and misinformation of the population has led to an unjustified fear of viruses and an equally unjustified one-sided focus on vaccines. But worse still, it has created a disunion in the population.

That politicians, agencies, government officials, health professionals, and the general public have been convinced that infection is the same as disease is spin and politics and not health science.

A high infection rate does not matter if there are no patients. When 1,000 persons are infected without anyone dying, it means that 1,000 persons gain natural, strong immunity.
So when the Danish National Board of Health now reduces the duration of natural immunity from 12 to 6 months in the corona passport, then that policy is contrary to science.

If we observe the total mortality in Denmark over the past 20 years, we can state that mortality had not increased in 2020, when we had an epidemic at full strength, but no vaccines.
Covid-19 has thus not increased mortality in Denmark.

Furthermore, we can state that mortality has not decreased in 2021 (January to October), where we have vaccinated 80% of the population and 90% of the risk groups.
The vaccines have thus not reduced mortality in Denmark.

Even the number of infections today is much higher than it was the same day a year ago, although fewer are being tested now.
Thus, the vaccines have not reduced the number of infections either.

Why do some people’s immune system fail?
A groundbreaking study from the University of Copenhagen (KU) showed that vitamin D is necessary for our ability to survive infections in the normal way. The findings of the study were evaluated by the University of Copenhagen and determined to be so important that “a number of immunology books must be rewritten“.

Vitamin D in sufficient amounts is crucial for activating the immune system in infections, and “switching it off” again afterwards, so that the immune response is normalized.
The study explains the mechanism that has been sought in 50-60 years of vitamin D research.
The informed reader of the previous newsletters is well aware that in the absence of certain micronutrients, the immune system will fail.

Such a deficiency can not be remedied by simply taking the doses that are currently recommended here in Denmark. These are often too low because they do not take into account poor diet, improper preparation of food, stress, smoking, medication, etc., which leads to a greater need for these nutrients.
With a healthy lifestyle and a sufficient intake of the vitamins and minerals that are crucial for the immune system to function as it should, virtually no virus will be generally dangerous to the population in countries with Danish living standards.

Is vaccine our only salvation?
As the vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission, but should only inhibit serious illness in the vaccinated person, it is inconceivable that one wants to vaccinate healthy children who do not risk serious illness. The risk of vaccine side effects and death will here be far greater than the risk of the disease that the vaccine should protect against. This is contrary to The Hippocratic Oath.

Vaccines and only vaccines have been heavily targeted. Not a word about natural, effective, inexpensive and side-effect-free prevention and treatment.
It is like a three-legged stool, where the two legs have been removed, namely prevention and treatment.
Such a one-legged stool will never be able to stand alone.

It therefore surprises us that information about the things that can actually prevent and treat serious illness is not disseminated to the population through the official channels, but on the contrary is censored in a fog of misinformation.

We find it responsibility incurring not to inform about this.

Natural immunity – our main defense
We hear again and again the same experts on TV and in other media repeating that our immunity decreases at the same rate as the amount of antibodies in the blood, both after vaccination and after natural immunity after a viral infection. But this is wrong. A scientifically incorrect assumption. And a misunderstanding. With natural immunity, the amount of antibodies decreases naturally, after a viral infection. It should actually drop.

The wise body
The body is energy efficient and does not use energy and space to maintain high levels of antibodies to a virus it has just fought or the thousands of virus types we are constantly exposed to.
Once the virus has been defeated, the body turns down the flame so that it can again use energy on other processes. And it can do so calmly, because with the infection the natural, strong and often lifelong immunity is built up.
If, after battling the infection, the body continues to maintain high levels of antibodies in the blood for months and years, it is equivalent to a boxer who has just knocked out his opponent in the boxing ring continuing to walk with the parades up for months. That does not make sense.

The important memory cells
In the event of a viral infection, there is an activation of e.g. memory cells, which are coded to be able to recognize the virus they have just been in contact with, so that they can reactivate antibodies again very quickly at later encounters with the virus.

Unlike vaccine immunity, natural immunity is longer lasting, more broad-spectrum and thus more effective against mutations.

The continuous updating of the cells’ memory by natural immunity after infection makes the immune system stronger after each update. This ongoing update does not occur to the same extent with vaccine immunity, where one instead has to revaccinate.

This has just been demonstrated in a new study from August 2021 from Rockefeller University that specifically examines Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines against natural immunity and has been confirmed by previous studies.

Updated memory cells can quickly activate an immune response adapted to the inevitable re-infections.
The reaction is rapid and the virus is therefore killed before it has time to multiply in an amount that triggers disease symptoms.
This means that we do not detect these recurrent re-infections. In other words, we are symptom-free and healthy, even though from time to time there is a disease virus in the body, and if we are tested for re-infection, it will be possible to measure the virus, and we are thus “infected”, ie. have a positive test. But we are neither sick nor particularly contagious.
Infection rates as a disease indicator are therefore a wrong strategy.

If there was a pandemic with a generally dangerous disease with high mortality (such as Ebola), and there was an effective and proven safe vaccine, then we would all be vaccinated, right?
But something lags. For none of these things are the case.

And it does not increase confidence in authorities, experts and the health system that there can be no calm, open and uncensored debate on these things.

Take care of yourself and others.

Kim Varming, Chief Physician and Clinical Immunologist,
Claus Hancke,
Specialist in General Medicine and
Michael Schultz,
Physiotherapist and Business Lawyer

Note: This post has in a slightly different form been published as a column in media in the northern part of Jutland 15/11.


Basic prevention

July 28, 2021

In March 2020, politicians shut the world down on pandemic orders from the WHO.
It did not take many seconds from the shutdown before the talk went on that vaccines had to be developed that could free us from this covid-19 disease.
It was established from the outset that the disease could neither be prevented nor treated. There was only isolation until the saving vaccine came.
It was “The one-legged stool”, as mentioned in our newsletter feb. 21, 2021.

If anything was fake news, it was this.
But for inexplicable reasons it became the standing narrative, which was so sacred that one was shamed and censored if one doubted this worldview.

All over the world, doctors were prevented from rescuing their patients by early prevention and treatment of covid-19.
It sounds crazy that one has censored and prevented harmless methods of prevention and treatment before it goes so wrong that the patient has to be hospitalized.
Do the authorities really want people to get so ill that they have to be hospitalized?
Some of these harmless methods are even well documented, yet it is branded as “fake news” when it is publicly mentioned and the doctors in question are quarantined on Facebook and YouTube.

However, measures such as shutdowns and face masks are blindly accepted, even though there is very little documentation of the effect.
Health authorities as well as politicians from all over the world have loudly and sacredly emphasized that we must follow the science, and the world’s all-round experts have been shown on TV to give the authorities’ actions a tinge of science.

But when it comes to shutdowns, mink killings, face masks, PCR testing and the so-called vaccine, which is in fact a gene therapy, these highly praised scientific principles have failed.
We have even come so far that the population must be humiliated with testing or subjected to experimental gene therapy in order to preserve its civil rights.
Every thinking person must ask oneself: Tell me, what is going on?

If you want to try to get an overview of this madness, it is recommended to spend time watching:, which is a serious TV review of the conflict between science and the active deception of the authorities.

The Vitality Council is fortunately uncensored, and in the newsletter May 2020, there was a comprehensive overview of the supplements with which one could prevent a serious Covid-19 course.
The main thing is that the immune system must not lack these basic nutrients. On the other hand, a well-functioning immune system has the great advantage that it can quickly adapt to a new mutation of the virus and adjust its counter-attack to it.
A vaccine is specially designed for a specific type of virus, and must be reconstructed and adjusted if a new VOC (“virus of concern”, ie mutations that are viewed with concern) varies so much from the previous one that the vaccine does not work.
We see this at this time at home and abroad, where fully vaccinated people are admitted with severe covid-19.
This would not happen if the entire population had a well-functioning immune system that can quickly adjust the target to the new variant.
Then you only need to vaccinate the 2% who are in the absolute risk group.

But one thing is to prevent serious flu or Covid-19. Something else is the prevention of the major killer diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.
These disorders have been underdiagnosed during the Covid-19 pandemic, which must necessarily become a problem for the healthcare system in the coming years.
But then it is fortunate that many of the supplements that the Vitality Council recommended 1½ years ago also reduce the risk of these diseases.
This is not really so strange, for many diseases start with the process called inflammation. And it can be prevented to a great extent.
Regarding Covid-19, it starts with the immunological reaction to viral infection, the excessive reaction, the cytokine storm and then the whole inflammatory process.
In cardiovascular disease it starts with inflammation of the vessel wall and oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and in cancer it starts with inflammation of the cells in an oxygen-poor area, which then changes the metabolism in the mitochondria from aerobic and efficient energy production to anaerobic sugar fermentation and low energy production.
Therefore, if you focus on inhibiting the inflammatory processes that should not be in the body, then you are well on your way to preventing the large, life-threatening diseases, and at the same time you get to inhibit the development of viral diseases so that they do not develop in a fatal direction.
Therefore, if I have to come up with an all-round recommendation as a basis, then it will be:

  • A multivitamin-mineral product without iron
  • Plus extra Selenium, so the daily dose comes up to 150 µg
  • Plus extra vitamin D, so the daily dose is up to 100 µg (this is only the maintenance dose if you are not in deficit. Otherwise you need more.)
  • Plus extra vitamin C, so the daily dose comes up to 2,000 mg
  • Plus extra Magnesium, so the daily dose comes up to 500 mg
  • Fish oil (but not necessary if you eat fatty fish every day)
  • Lactic acid bacteria

This basic supplement can ensure that you do not run a deficit for the body’s performance of tits basic functions, including the processes of the immune system.

If, on top of this, you are exposed to infection, which we have all been at intervals in the last 1½ year, then you can for a period supplement with:

  • Vitamin A: 1 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 5 mg
  • Vitamin C: 3,000 mg
  • Vitamin D3: 100 µg
  • Selenium: 100 µg
  • Zinc: 30 mg.
  • Echinacea 20 drops 2 x dgl.

This ensures that the immune system is well-supplied, despite increasing consumption, and then inhibits the cytokine storm, which can be life-threatening for the elderly and weak.

And the very basics of a good immune system are of course:

  • A healthy diet
  • Daily exercise
  • 7-8 hours of sleep
  • Freedom from smoke
  • Moderation
  • A positive outlook on life

Take care of yourself and others.

Claus Hancke MD
Specialist in general medicine

Don’t forget selenium

March 8, 2021

With the headline, we are entering the vital minerals, and selenium is one of the most important, because it is the gateway to 25 different selenoproteins, which control a wide range of processes in the body.

Selenium is a substance that we prefer not to lack, and numerous studies have over the years confirmed that selenium deficiency can lead to, among other things. heart failure, cancer, metabolic disorders, arthritis, infertility, atherosclerosis, increased inflammation, and a variety of immunological failures that are particularly relevant in this corona age.

Did you know, for example, that a vaccine will not work as intended if the vaccinated person lacks selenium and vitamin D. These two nutrients are necessary to activate the T cells, which must be able to recognize the infection the next time you encounter it (1,2,3). And they are also needed to moderate any vaccine-triggered cytokine storm.

There are thousands of articles cementing heavy research into selenium, and most recently, two months ago, an interesting study of selenium deficiency related to cardiovascular disease and inflammatory conditions was published (4). Since cardiovascular disease is also initiated by inflammation, it is natural to examine this collectively.

Previous studies have also shown that low selenium in the blood was the cause of increased inflammation, increased risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death (5,6).

Selenium dampens cytokine storms

The study included 858 healthy elderly and 606 cardiovascular patients of the same age.
The researchers examined the degree of inflammation by measuring the ratio of white blood cells (neutrophil / lymphocyte ratio), CRP and a wide range of cytokines, interleukins and chemokines.

They found a clear link between the lack of selenium and the incidence of cardiovascular disease as well as, not surprisingly, increased chronic, inflammatory load on the body, especially in the cardiovascular disease.

Selenium deficiency was associated with elevated values of circulating inflammation markers such as cytokines, interleukins and chemokines that are precisely characteristic of the scourge of our time, namely the risk of a cytokine storm at Covid-19.

Selenium is included as a moderator on an equal term with vitamin D, so that the formation and control of cytokines is formed and controlled, but to avoid the violent production called a cytokine storm, which triggers the damage that makes Covid-19 dangerous for individuals, weak people.

The researchers concluded that people with plasma selenium below 60 µg / l had almost twice the risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who had a normal selenium content in the blood.

The result was convincing and statistically significant and corresponds very well to previous studies showing that the selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase achieves its maximum activity in the blood when the concentration of selenium in plasma is between 70 and 90 µg / l (7).

In previous newsletters from May 2020, there are several references related to infections updated by Covid-19, and back in 2005 we wrote newsletters about cancer risk due to selenium deficiency. So selenium has been on the light board for many years, i.a. because there are so few who are aware that it is something we must not lack.

Daily intake (in Europe) should be around 100µg, and naturally it is found in fish, meat and certain nuts.
So remember selenium every day.

Take care of yourself and others.

Claus Hancke MD
Specialist in general medicine


  1. Comparison of the characteristics, morbidity, and mortality of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study. Piroth L et al, Dec.2020, Lancet.
  2. Geisler C, Ødum N et al. 2010, Vitamin D controls T cell antigen receptor signaling and activation of human T cells. Nature Immunology 2010;11:344-349.
  5. Alberto Boretti, Bimal Krishna Banik (2020) Intravenous vitamin C for reduction of cytokines storm in acute respiratory distress syndrome PharmaNutrition. 2020 Jun;12:100190.  Published online 2020 Apr 21.
  6. Caly L et al, 2020, Antiviral Research, 178, june 2020, 104787.

A stool with one leg

February 21, 2021

As previously quoted, they wrote in the Lancet (1) December 20th that in the future everything should be done to prevent and vaccinate and find methods for the treatment of Covid-19, and the Vitality Council can’t agree more that this stool should rest on three legs.

But the Danish government has not agreed to that. Since March 2020, it has focused on vaccines and only vaccines. – A one-legged stool.

Not only has the Government and the state media focused unilaterally on vaccines, but they have also actively censored information on both prevention and treatment. The government media has also been obediently accompanied by microphone holders from the major social and print media. It has been irrelevant to the censorship whether this information was sufficiently well documented.


In the previous many newsletters, the Vitality Council has primarily advised on prevention in terms of keeping the immune system intact.

In our modern way of life with easy and fast industrial food of poor quality, improper preparation and overeating of carbohydrates, there is a great risk that our immune system will run out of essential nutrients. I have reviewed this topic again and again and will not bore you with this at this time.

But I will try to give a simple model for understanding the functioning of the immune system. This is because it is absolutely essential in prevention against Covid-19 and all sorts of other infections.

The immune system has a myriad of different cells to work with, and it’s pretty complicated, but let’s try a Pixie model; -a mousetrap:
There are two main systems, a so-called “innate” (non-specific) immune system, which works all the time, and an “adaptive” (specialized) immune system, which is adjusted by infection. The innate system attacks just about everything when, for example, a virus penetrates the body, but first the adaptive needs to get familiar with the new virus, adjust and activate the so-called T cells for attack, and teach the memory cells to remember for the next time how these virus are best attacked (antibodies).

Back to the mousetrap.

In the loft with all the mice (virus in the environment) we put a box (the body), with a small hole in the side (the innate immune system), and inside the box we put a couple of mousetraps (the adaptive immune system).

If we lack proper nutrition, vitamin D, selenium, vitamin C and magnesium, then the hole in the box is very large (the innate immune system fails). Then many mice can enter the box at once, and the traps (the adaptive immune system) do not have the capacity to snatch many mice. – Especially not if there is a lack of vitamin D, which is necessary to activate the T cells (2).

If, on the other hand, we get enough of the above nutrients, then we only have a small hole in the box (a good innate immune system), and then only a few mice enter the box (the body) at a time, and the adaptive immune system (the traps) can snatch them one by one.
Remember the Danish Minister of Health showing a graph with red and green curves some time ago.
If too many come too fast, then the hospital system would collapse.
The same way with our immune system.

If it is intact, the innate immune system will make sure to moderate the load so that the adaptive defense can have time to get to know the enemy and calibrate its cannons accordingly. Hereby we avoid the overload that results in the so-called cytokine storm, which is the start of all the accidents.

That is why it is so important to provide proper nutrition and supplement with vitamin D, vitamin C, selenium and magnesium.
And remember in the dark winter: Vitamin D in the blood should rise to 30-50 ng/ml (75-125 nmol /L.)
If you can’t get the blood sample taken locally, there are several excellent options for home testing i Denmark (3,4).


Often you see pseudo-science, where vitamins and minerals are used as treatment after disease outbreaks, and even often in relatively small doses. It is pointless and only suitable to show that it does not work. These nutrients are for prevention.
An exception, however, is Vitamin C in high doses given intravenously under medical supervision.

There is only scant evidence here at the Covid-19 pandemic (5), but previously there is ample evidence of an effect on viral infections, as mentioned in the newsletter May 20th 2020.

There have been numerous experiments with hydroxychloroquine, which, however, have yielded quite varying results, and research into it is unfortunately largely discontinued.

Ivermectin is a remedy against scabies and certain parasites, and reportedly also has an effect on Covid-19 (6). The Indian health authorities have approved a treatment with Ivermectin, Doxycycline and zinc.
Ivermectin costs about 100 times as much as hydroxychloroquine, so it will probably never be the big success.
One week ago, Israeli researchers published (7) a preliminary result of treatment with inhalation of CD24 exosomes in 30 hospitalized moderately to severely ill Covid-19 patients. The 29 recovered in 3-5 days, the last one also recovered, but after more than 5 days. It should be a cheap method without side effects, so it sounds promising. CD24 exosomes are proteins that, like vitamin D, control T cell activation and can attenuate the cytokine storm.
We are anxiously awaiting news from the Israeli researchers.

What now?

After all, health authorities and the government are on thin ice right now, unless they manage to be saved by the globally declining infection rates and death rates.
You vaccinate and vaccinate, but to no avail on the closure of the society. The function of the vaccine is primarily to alleviate the disease in the vaccinated person.
Even though we have been vaccinated, we can still be infected and pass it on to others, because the virus is still there. Therefore, even the vaccinated must continue with face masks, despite the poor evidence of the effect of the hated face masks.
On top of this, there are still new mutations. Currently the English with increased infection of children, which we see in Kolding these days, but on the horizon lurks the South African and two different Brazilian varieties, which are even less sensitive to the antibodies we have received from previous infection and from vaccination.
Well, then the vaccine just has to be adjusted, and then the population just has to be vaccinated again.
Okay. -How many times? So far, in 2 months we have only vaccinated 3% of the population. So good luck with the task if it all has to start all over again.
It seems like a Sisyphean task if the Government will continue to focus only on the one-legged stool.
As a solution to this chaos, the Government is now proposing a wild testing strategy, where we will be tested twice a week next year. This will cost just as much as the overall healthcare system, and one does not have to be a nuclear physicist to figure out that this will massively affect all other diagnoses in the healthcare system.
And the virus will not disappear either due to this.
It’s a bit like setting up photo traps to detect an army of soldiers invading the country. No defense, just registration while the invasion rumbles towards the defenseless population.
When the hopelessness of this strategy eventually dawns on the Government, there is hope that the one-legged stool will be given two more legs, namely prevention and treatment.
Then every single person can be informed about the possibility of defending themselves against Covid-19.
Only then will the disease become so mild that it resembles a common flu, by which we can drop the hated face masks and the lockdown of society.

May we ask for the three-stringed strategy as soon as possible thank you.

A stool with one leg is doomed to tip over.
A stool with three legs does not tip over.
No matter how uneven the surface is, it will not even tilt.

Take care of yourself and others.

Claus Hancke MD
Specialist in general medicine


  1. Comparison of the characteristics, morbidity, and mortality of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study. Piroth L et al, Dec.2020, Lancet.
  2. Geisler C, Ødum N et al. 2010, Vitamin D controls T cell antigen receptor signaling and activation of human T cells. Nature Immunology 2010;11:344-349.
  5. Alberto Boretti, Bimal Krishna Banik (2020) Intravenous vitamin C for reduction of cytokines storm in acute respiratory distress syndrome PharmaNutrition. 2020 Jun;12:100190.  Published online 2020 Apr 21.
  6. Caly L et al, 2020, Antiviral Research, 178, june 2020, 104787.

Vaccine, treatment, prevention and censorship

February 4, 2021

Since the turn of the year, the big mantra on the part of the Danish government has been vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, and much of the news flow has revolved around approval, safety, supplies and groups of people that needed to be vaccinated. In addition, vaccine passports are now being introduced, which will be necessary if you want to go to the movies, to Mallorca, to concerts or to festivals. – That is coercion.

Immunological disability

Moreover, one mutation after another of the Covid-19 virus is being discovered, and currently it is the Brazilian P1 version that is lurking on the horizon. There are hundreds of thousands of virus types, and in addition, mutations of these.
RNA viruses are particularly prone to mutating, and the more the mutation changes the protein structures of viruses, the less immunity from previous infections or vaccines there will be. Well, then you have to make a new vaccine or adjust the old one, we hear in the media…. – And then we have to be vaccinated again.
How many immunizations must we have?
If the survival of mankind is made dependent upon new vaccines having to be made all the time, every time a virus mutates enough, will we then after 2-3 generations risk that increasing immunological disability occurs?
This is, of course, a hypothesis, but also a horror scenario where simple epidemics could require many deaths.
This race between viruses and vaccines is meaningless. It is a race we will never win.
Viruses will always be in the lead, and they will never be eradicated.
The only thing that is capable of lightning-fast adaptation and can keep up is a well-functioning immune system.
The question is whether we will ever get rid of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, or whether it will simply join the ranks of other corona, rhino and many other types of virus that exist among us and that appear from time to time with the symptoms of a cold or flu.


For years, orthodox medicine has researched the possibilities for treating colds and flu without much success. A few substances have been found such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu), which 20 years ago was thought to work against influenza, but where the results are highly questionable. And with such a product with many side effects, it is a mystery that it is still registered for the treatment of influenza here in Denmark. It is banned in Japan.
Another example is Remdesevir, which has been widely used against Covid-19 until WHO now has advised against it.(1)
Hospitalized patients are currently getting steroids to dampen down the exaggerated immunological response (cytokine storm) in Covid-19 disease. It makes good sense. In Danish hospitals, however, steroid treatment is still being combined with Remdesevir despite the WHO recommendation against its use. (1)
Far better results have been seen in orthomolecular medicine, where one uses substances already known by the body with minimal side effects.
The other day, for example, an RCT (randomized control study) was published from India using ozone therapy in conjunction with standard treatment versus standard treatment alone.(2) It is a small study with 60 patients, but the difference is massive and the authors conclude that ozone therapy is a safe and effective treatment for hospitalized covid-19 patients with mild and moderate disease.
A few months ago in the journal Science one could read an interesting article about a very solid research project by the Berger group at the Max Planck Bristol Center at the University of Bristol.(3)
Using “cryo-electron microscopy” they have mapped the spikes that make up the corona of the virus.
The spike protein is a so-called trimer (consisting of three proteins), and the authors have discovered a non-protein density in the SARS-CoV-2 S receptor binding position that has not been seen before.
In the binding pocket of the spike proteins was found a molecule that was examined by mass spectroscopy at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg and revealed something as simple as linoleic acid, which we know from the cheap corn oil or sunflower oil, but also in safflower oil.
Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid. We cannot synthesize it ourselves, and so we must have it. -Just not too much, because it is an n-6 fatty acid, which in its synthesis pathway forms arachidonic acid and thus prostaglandin 2, which is pro-inflammatory. And that is not suitable. –
Especially not when we talk Covid-19, where the point is that we want to inhibit inflammation.
Therefore, it seems contradictory that linoleic acid nevertheless is not that crazy if you are faced with a Covid-19 disease. Actually the researchers showed that linoleic acid can inhibit virus replication by blocking the ACE-2 receptors, allowing the spike proteins to bind together by means of linoleic acid to a closed form that makes the virus non-infectious.
This is quite in line with the discovery that all severe Covid-19 patients had low levels of linoleic acid in their blood.
The research group is quite resigned to the inevitability of antiviral vaccination and mentions as an example that after 30 years of research into developing an HIV vaccine, we have ended up without a vaccine, but with a cocktail of antiviral small molecules that can keep the virus at bay.
The group is therefore now aiming to develop a small linoleic acid-like molecule that can be used in the treatment of Covid-19 disease. Again, an example of orthomolecular treatment.

Prevention and censorship

In the examples with ozone and linoleic acid, we got a few examples of orthomolecular treatment, as an option for covid-19 treatment.
But the orthomolecular methods are first and foremost supreme when we talk prevention.
In the recent many newsletters and in several interviews on radio and TV, as well as letters to the authorities, I have repeatedly pointed out the importance of ensuring that the immune system gets the nutrients it needs to function optimally, and the many scientific references to this can be found in the previous newsletters.
It is especially important that we get the blood content of vitamin D above 75 nmol/L (30 ng/ml), and preferably double that. Roughly estimated, a maximum of 10% of the Danish population is at this level.
That the blood content of vitamin D is only estimated and not factual data is because the regions oppose widespread testing of vitamin D because it costs money to test.
In a newsletter from University of Copenhagen 7/3 2010, Professor Carsten Geisler writes: “Vitamin D is absolutely crucial for the immune system”.
And further on, he states, the research group has discovered as something “completely new that vitamin D is crucial for the activation of the T cells, which play a central role in fighting particularly dangerous infections”.
Well, hello. Isn’t that just the knowledge we need when we have such widespread vitamin D deficiency?
This very important discovery is published in Nature (4), where the research group explains the activation of vitamin D by key T cells in the immune system. –In fact, exactly the cells that can fight the new virus mutations.
I came to mention this in an interview on a small TV station, which posted the interview on Youtube. From here, it was removed a few days later with the stamp “medical deception”. Almost the same day, the Danish National Board of Health went into the media with advice to the population about eating more vitamin D.
Section 77 of the Danish Constitution states: “Censorship and other preventive measures can never be reintroduced.”
This, of course, refers to state censorship. But Youtube, Google and Facebook are so massively widespread that they have something approaching monopoly-like conditions, and it is thought-provoking that here in Denmark we have a former prime minister to sit and administer such censorship.
When these tech giants get together in the medical-political complex, it costs lives.
This is best described in an editorial in the British Medical Journal from last year:(5)
“Politicization of science was enthusiastically introduced by some of history’s worst autocrats and dictators, but it has unfortunately become common in democracies. The medical-political complex tends to suppress science in order to adorn and enrich those in power.
And as the powerful become more successful, richer, and further intoxicated by power, the inconvenient truths of science are suppressed.
When good science is suppressed, people die”.
Therefore, the Vitality Council finds it necessary to spread the knowledge of the science that the population must not see.

Take care of yourself and others.

Claus Hancke MD
Specialist in general medicine


  2. Shah M et al, 2021 Int Immunopharmacol. 2021 Feb;91:107301.
  3. Toelzer Christine, Gupta K et al. 2020, Free fatty acid binding pocket in the locked structure of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Science 06 nov 2020;370(6517):725-30.
  4. Geisler C, Ødum N et al. 2010, Vitamin D controls T cell antigen receptor signaling and activation of human T cells. Nature Immunology 2010;11:344-349.
  5. BMJ 2020;371:m4425

Neglected opportunities

January 15, 2021

“The world is groping blindly for defences against the new virus variants” – according to a headline in the Danish newspaper Berlingske January 12th. The article then deals with gene sequencing and rapid diagnostics for infection control. But it is clear that panic spreads every time a new variant appears.

The fumbling in the dark began with clusters 1-5 found in Danish mink, which led to politician panic and the most drastic coercive intervention so far against any business in Denmark and the total closure of the region Vendsyssel.

The next time the panic screw was increased is now that the English variant B 1.1.7 is spreading. It is not more dangerous, but more contagious.

When the panic and anxiety from this variant begin to subside, then it’s time to introduce the South African variant and gravely tell us that this variant can now hit children, and then shut the country down. It is so deeply predictable that we absolutely must be pressed down into a state of chronic anxiety so that we conform to what is expected, and all of us line up for vaccination.

However, it is a good thing that the vaccines have arrived. The first vaccine was received by the media and politicians like a Messiah, and it was very nearly close to rose petals being sprinkled on the road in front of the trucks.

It is excellent that the health authorities quickly have launched vaccinating the elderly and seriously ill at risk. So far so good.

But my goodness, how they could have done so much good in the 10 months that have passed if they had listened to science.

When you consider that in order to shop in the supermarket Netto you have to look like a bank robber and wear a face mask whose effect is extremely poorly documented; -then it is striking that for months the authorities have turned a blind eye to well-documented opportunities that could have saved many lives and much suffering.

A study recently published in the Lancet (1) reviewed 89,000 hospitalizations with Covid-19 in March-April 2020 and Influenza Dec-Jan 2017-18.

It was found that Covid-19 caused significantly longer length of stay and greater mortality than the flu and it was concluded that in the future every effort should be made to prevent and vaccinate as well as find methods for treating Covid-19.

The Vital Council can only agree on this 3-string strategy: prevent, vaccinate, find ways to treat.

Unfortunately, this is not the strategy the government has chosen. Instead, they have chosen to put all their eggs in one basket.
Ever since the start of the pandemic, there has been hope and talk about the upcoming vaccine.
The authorities have been going all in, bone-hard, on the vaccine and only the vaccine and have not even wanted to squint at the other options in the three-stringed strategy mentioned above.

You can therefore understand the panic of the politicians until they were reassured that the mink variant was probably also sensitive to the upcoming vaccine. The same has now happened with B 1.1.7 from England, while we are still unsure of the South African variant.
That is to say the vaccines may in the future have difficulty keeping up with the constant changes in the highly mutated RNA virus, and one day they will fall short.

Yet all measures other than vaccines have been swept off the table despite massive documentation.
It is as if the authorities have overlooked that we humans actually have an immune system that is itself capable of adapting a new virus mutant.
Unlike a vaccine, a well-functioning immune system will be able to keep up every time a virus mutates.

Of course, it is necessary for the immune system to function optimally, and it ris necessary that we humans get a diet with the nutrients that the immune system needs.

This is so obvious that it hurts to say over and over again (see 5 previous newsletters from May 2020):
Decades of scientific evidence show that deficiency of especially vitamins A, C, D and K as well as deficiency of selenium, magnesium and zinc weakens the immune response and increases the incidence of infections, especially lung diseases. (2-10)

Specifically, in recent years there has been extensive writing about vitamin D, and the University of Copenhagen wrote almost prophetically on March 7, 2020, on its website in the News section: “Vitamin D is absolutely crucial for the immune system.”

Since then, several studies have been performed on vitamin D against Covid-19, which show significantly less infectivity, shorter hospital stays, milder illness, and lower mortality. (11-17) This documentation is further strengthened by the fact that the groups that are low in Vitamin D are those most affected by Covid-19, especially overweight persons, nursing home residents, immigrants, the chronically ill, and the elderly.

Traditionally, here in Denmark we have considered it sufficient, as long as the serum vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) level was 50 nmol/L (20 ng/ml) or more. This is not enough. All studies point to the need to have at least 75 nmol/L (30 ng/ml) in the blood and preferably 150 nmol/L (60 ng/ml.)
Far less than half of the Danish population are within these figures.
You cannot reach this preferred level, even if you then eat fatty fish every single day; you have to take supplements.
In turn, there is a major health benefit in eliminating the population’s deficiency of vitamin D. -Not only in the face of several of the major lifestyle diseases, but also of Covid-19.

Research shows, as mentioned, that sufficient vitamin D will shorten the duration of the disease, avoid hospitalizations, and reduce mortality from covid-19 disease. Those who become ill will simply have a mild course of the disease but will still build up immunological defenses until the next time they encounter it. If you also make sure that there is no shortage of the other above-mentioned vitamins and minerals, then the disease picture will look completely different in this country, and it could put a damper on the all-consuming anxiety and worry in the population.

Note: There is no talk of these vitamins and minerals being used to “treat” anything. They are used to correct deficiencies.

But it requires the authorities to think outside the box and show openness to the well-documented possibilities that exist here. Especially when these options are safe.
It is fine to think of collective infection control, but it does not preclude that one also thinks of the individual’s immune system and its well-being.

There has been an unfortunate streak of overlooked possibilities throughout the 10-month-long corona course. Opportunities that could have saved many lives and saved many sufferings.
-And these are, mind you, options that are significantly better documented than face masks.

Take care of yourself and others.

Claus Hancke MD
Specialist in general medicine


1. Comparison of the characteristics, morbidity, and mortality of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study. Piroth L et al, Dec.2020, Lancet.

2. Arvinte C, Singh M, Marik PE (2020) Serum Levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin D in a Cohort of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients of a North American Community Hospital Intensive Care Unit in May 2020: A Pilot Study. Med Drug Discov. 8:100064.

3. Hewison M. Vitamin D and innate and adaptive immunity. Vitam Horm, 2011; vol 86:23-62.

4. Gombart AF, Pierre A, Maggini S. A Review of Micronutrients and the Immune System-Working in Harmony to Reduce the Risk of Infection. Nutrients. 2020 Jan 16;12(1).

5. Schwalfenberg GK. A review of the critical role of vitamin D in the functioning of the immune system and the clinical implications of vitamin D deficiency. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2011 Jan;55(1):96-108.

6. Dancer RC, Parekh D, Lax S, D’Souza V, Zheng S1, Bassford CR, et al. Vitamin D deficiency contributes directly to the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Thorax. 2015 Jul;70(7):617-24.

7. Urashima M, Segawa T, Okazaki M, et al. Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in schoolchildren. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May;91(5):1255-60.

8. Sabetta JR, DePetrillo P, Cipriani RJ, Smardin J, Burns LA, Landry ML. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d and the incidence of acute viral respiratory tract infections in healthy adults. PLoS One. 2010 Jun 14;5(6):e11088.

9. Uwitonze AM, Razzaque MS. Role of Magnesium in Vitamin D Activation and Function. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2018 Mar 1;118(3):181-189.

10. Dofferhoff A et al, Reduced Vitamin K Status as a Potentially Modifiable Risk Factor of Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019, Clin Infect Diseases, 2021,

11. Kohlmeier M. Avoidance of vitamin D deficiency to slow the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health. 2020;3.

12. Grant WB, Lahore H, McDonnell SL, et al. Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths. Nutrients. 2020; 12(4):988.

13. McCartney DM, Byrne DG. Optimisation of Vitamin D Status for Enhanced Immuno-protection Against Covid-19. Ir Med J. 2020 Apr 3;113(4):58.

14. Aldridge RA, Lewer D, Beale S, et al. Seasonality and immunity to laboratory-confirmed seasonal coronaviruses (HCoV-NL63, HCoV-0C43, and HCoV-229E): results from the Flu Watch cohort study 30 March 2020.

15. Ilie PC, Stefanescu S, Smith L. The role of Vitamin D in the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019, infection and mortality. Aging Clinical and Experimental research ( Springer Switzerland. 2020 May 6.

16. McCullough PJ, Lehrer DS, Amend J. Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 TO 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2019 May;189:228-239.

17. Kaufman H et al, SARS-CoV-2 positivity rates associated with circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels PLOS ONE, sept.17,2020

More is not always better

November 13, 2020

Dose response is diverse

Our body and cells react differently to the chemical substances we come into contact with. Our body’s reaction (response) to different concentrations (doses) is called dose-response. Small variations in the structure of substances can be decisive for the body’s reaction to the substances. For several groups of substances, it is known that they can be problematic, but theoretically it is not possible to predict how cells or organisms will react to a chemical substance.

As low doses of chemical substances are studied scientifically, more and more otherwise well-known substances are shown to have unexpected effects at low doses. Since the early 1990s, it has been clear that one cannot theoretically – based on a general dose-response formula – predict the response of cells to low concentrations of a substance.

In everyday life, we regularly experience that there is a linear relationship between dose and effect: Twice as much sugar tastes twice as sweet. Such is the case with the drugs and within the doses we normally use. The graph to the right shows 0-4 teaspoons of sugar in the coffee. It is the linear dose-response that we know best and that we often take for granted in daily life

From everyday life we also know of a decreasing effect on a larger dose. Double the dose of sugar in the coffee does not keep giving double effect. When the tongue’s sensation of sweetness is completely filled, an extra dose cannot be sensed. The body’s relationship to a variety of vitamins and minerals works in the same way. The graph to the right shows the experience of sweetness at 1-14 teaspoons of sugar in coffee.

Many substances first have a measurable effect above a certain threshold value as is known from e.g. alcohol. Below the threshold, no poisoning occurs – if you drink an alcoholic beverage with 7,5 ml or 6 grams of alcohol per hour, it has no effect, but if you drink an alcoholic beverage with 30 ml or 24 grams of alcohol per hour, you exceed the liver’s threshold value for continuously breaking down alcohol, after which alcohol continuously accumulates in the blood and you become drunk.

Some substances used as medicines inhibit processes in the body, so that higher doses inhibit the process more, but only within certain limits. With increasing dose, the inhibitory effect diminishes and eventually disappears. Well-known examples are statins, which lower the blood’s cholesterol content, and drugs that inhibit the stomach’s production of stomach acid.

Some drugs, including several hormones, have a bell-shaped dose-response curve. In addition to the fact that the substances are often active at very low doses, they are also only active within a “window”, so that they have a hormone-like or endocrine disrupting effect above a certain concentration, and then lose effect at higher concentrations. Several hormones and more proteins tested for cancer treatment have this type of dose-response (Reynolds, 2010; Diamond, 2004).

Some drugs have a U-shaped effect curve, so that the drug has a stimulating effect at low doses, but with decreasing effect at slightly higher doses, and then again has a stimulating effect at even higher doses. Several drugs with U-shaped dose-response curves are endocrine disruptors, or promote or inhibit cancer. (Almstrup et al., 2002; Davis & Svendsgaard 1990 and Vadenberg et al., 2012).

Living organisms – including humans – are extremely complex, and the “unexpected” types of non-linear toxic effects can e.g. is due to interactions where a chemical substance can affect sensors on or in the cells, immune reactions, enzymes in the liver, etc.,

In addition, the toxic effects of substances on humans can be determined by individual and often inherited genetic differences. For heavy metals such as mercury and copper, both individual differences and non-linear relationships are known (Andreoli & Sprovieri, 2017; O’Doherty et al., 2019).

In scientific research, organisms’ reactions to chemical substances are often assumed to be linear, so that researchers look for linear relationships without actually knowing if they are relevant. Non-linear contexts are also often overlooked in authorities’ risk assessments of substances. Overall, this means that researchers and authorities often disregard the toxic effects of substances on the basis of a rationale that when a clear toxic effect at low doses was not found at higher doses – well then one can simply ignore these results.

In the EU’s risk assessments of pesticides, GMOs, etc. one often disregards the concrete measurements or experiments that do not meet the requirement of linear and increasing toxicity at higher doses.

Not least Danish researchers such as Almstrup, Grandjean, Skakkebæk and Svendsgaard have helped to focus on non-linear dose response and toxic effects at low and extremely low doses. The same researchers are generally not impressed by the authorities’ ability or willingness to take this new knowledge seriously (Grandjean 2019, Hill et al 2018, Davis and Svendsgaard 1990); – neither is the Vitality Council.

Klaus Sall, cand.scient. in biology

References and further reading

Almstrup K; Fernández MF; Petersen JH; Olea N; Skakkebaek NE and Leffers H. (2002). Dual effects of phytoestro­gens result in u-shaped dose-response curves. Environ Health Perspect. 2002 August; 110(8): 743–748. LINK
Andreoli, V., Sprovieri, F., (2017). Genetic Aspects of Susceptibility to Mercury Toxicity: An Overview. Int J Environ Res Public Health 14. LINK
Davis JM og Svendsgaard DJ. 1990 U-shaped dose-response curves: their occurrence and implications for risk assessment. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1990 Jun;30(2):71-83. LINK
Diamond, D. M. 2004. Enhancement of Cognitive and Electrophysiological Measures of Hippocampal Functioning in Rats by a Low, But Not High, Dose of Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEAS). Nonlin. Biol. Toxicol. Med. 2004 Oct.; 2(4): 371–377. LINK
Grandjean, P., Abdennebi-Najar, L., Barouki, R., Cranor, C. F., Etzel, R. A., Gee, D., Heindel, J. J., Hougaard, K. S., Hunt, P., Nawrot, T. S., Prins, G. S., Ritz, B., Soffritti, M., Sunyer, J., & Weihe, P. (2019). Time scales of developmental toxicity impacting on research and needs for intervention. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 125(Suppl. 3), 70-80. LINK
Hill C. E., Myers J. P., Vandenberg L. N. (2018). Nonmonotonic dose-response curves occur in dose ranges that are relevant to regulatory decision-making. Dose Res. 16, 155932581879828. 1559325818798282–82. LINK
Lagarde, F., Beausoleil, C., Belcher, S. M., Belzunces, L. P., Emond, C., Guerbet, M., & Rousselle, C. (2015). Non-monotonic dose-response relationships and endocrine disruptors: a qualitative method of assessment. Environmental health 14, 13 (2015), LINK
Montévil M, Acevedo N, Schaeberle CM, Bharadwaj M, Fenton SE, and Ana M. Soto AM. 2020. A Combined Morphometric and Statistical Approach to Assess Nonmonotonicity in the Developing Mammary Gland of Rats in the CLARITY-BPA Study. Environ Health Perspect. 2020 May; 128(5):57001. LINK
Reynolds, Andrew R. 2010. Potential Relevance of Bell-Shaped and U-Shaped Dose-Responses for the Therapeutic Targeting of Angiogenesis in Cancer. Dose Response. 2010; 8(3): 253–284. LINK
O’Doherty, C., Keenan, J., Horgan, K., Murphy, R., O’Sullivan, F., Clynes, M., 2019. Copper-induced non-monotonic dose response in Caco-2 cells. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.-Animal 55, 221–225. LINK
Vandenberg et al. 2012. Hormones and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Low-Dose Effects and Nonmonotonic Dose Responses. Endocrine Reviews March 14, 2012 er.2011-1050 LINK
Zoeller RT, Brown TR, Doan LL, Gore AC, Skakkebaek NE, Soto AM, Woodruff TJ, Vom Saal FS. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and public health protection: a statement of principles from The Endocrine Society. Endocrinology 2012; 153:4097 – 110; LINK

Mink panic in Denmark

November 5, 2020

As written in the first Covid-19 newsletter on May 6 (1):

”A vaccine may be excellent, but firstly, it takes at least a year before we have it, and secondly, a vaccine can never keep up with a virus in the many mutations that make its immune profile so varied that a vaccine quickly becomes obsolete as we have seen with the flu vaccine. The only thing that can keep up in response against a virus’ mutations is a well-functioning immune system in the individual.”

And now what has been expected has happened, namely a mutation that spreads a lot of panic, costs 17 million mink their lives, 1,100 mink farmers their livelihood and perhaps life’s work, 6,000 jobs, and Denmark 10 billion kroner in export revenue.

Many ask if this is now also necessary, and international researchers wonder about the Danish reaction, as they cannot see that this mutation is more dangerous than so many other mutations.

In the defense of the authorities, it can be said that 17 million mink do constitute a very serious pool of infection within the country’s borders, and, on mink farms, the virus can persist for years and can perhaps mutate into dangerous varieties.

The current “cluster-5 variant” found in mink is, according to authorities, no more dangerous than the “original Wuhan variant”, but is still considered dangerous by the Serum Institute.

Not more dangerous for humans, but dangerous for the vaccine.

It is feared that this variant will weaken the effect of a future coronary vaccine.
But there will be more mutations. It will continue. If not from domesticated mink, then from forest marten, ermine (stoats), otters, and ferrets. Or what about a variant of the dreaded bird flu that becomes contagious to humans? It is a far more dangerous situation.

If we continue with this eternal focus on vaccines and only vaccines, we can run in circles for decades and constantly have to jump from one position to another to escape new mutant variants.

At the EU level, however, hard work is underway to make human survival dependent on vaccines (2) so that the individual’s immune system can only be strengthened in this way and not by natural infection.

This is a dangerous path to take, and it can result in an inflicted immunological handicap that weakens humanity’s ability to counteract precisely the many mutations that microorganisms undergo in their own evolution.

One can imagine the situation that one day we will be exposed to a life-threatening pandemic like in 1918, which kills millions of people the year before we can get a vaccine. (The current pandemic has not increased overall mortality.)

We therefore need to ensure that the human population’s basic immune system is optimal. It may be possible to do so, but it requires openness to new thinking.

When we focus exclusively on the Covid-19 epidemic, there is an almost overwhelming number of studies that identify vitamin D deficiency as a significant risk factor for infection.

Most recently, three days ago (November 2), a new study (3) was published describing Covid-19 survival in the elderly as a function of their vitamin D intake.
There were 77 Covid-19 patients aged 78 – 100 years equally distributed between men and women. All were admitted to a geriatric emergency department at Angers University Hospital in France from March to May in 2020.

One could see the difference between the three groups: Group 1 (n=29) had taken vitamin D continuously for at least one year, group 2 (n=16) had not taken anything but had received a bolus dose of vitamin D on admission, and group 3 (n=32) had not received vitamin D.

The thrtee groups were comparable over a wide range of potentially confounding factors. The average age of the study participants was 88 years.

Researchers evaluated 14-day mortality and found that 93% survived in group 1, 81% in group 2, and 68% in group 3.

With group 3 as the reference group (Hazard Ratio: 1), group 1 thus had a hazard ratio of 0.07, and group 2 had a hazard ratio of 0.37.

Thus, group 1 with a history of solid vitamin D supplementation had significantly better survival than group 3, which had not taken vitamin D supplements.

Group 2, which received a bolus of 80,000 IU vitamin D at admission, had better survival, but the difference from group 3 survival was not statistically significant.

The conclusion of this study was thus that regular supplementation with vitamin D is associated with less severe COVID-19 disease and better survival in frail elderly individuals. The detailed figures can be seen in the reference below (3).

Study after study of vitamin D’s efficacy has been added to the basket over the last six months, and the studies are all identical. How many studies do we need?

When these studies are combined with the hundreds of previous studies on immune system weakening in the absence of vitamin D and with the even specific studies and a meta-analysis on lung infections like SARS, then one must again ask: How many studies does it take before the authorities will advise vulnerable groups to take vitamin D or at least to have their vitamin D levels in their blood measured?

Many studies (references 4-19) show that one can safely and effectively optimize the population’s resistance and survival of Covid-19 by taking sufficient vitamin D to reach a blood concentration of at least 75nmol / l.

This blood vitamin D concentration can most often be achieved with a daily dose of 80 – 100 micrograms.

If one also supplements with the other well-documented supplements, which have been mentioned in the previous newsletters, then we can get to the point that the general resistance of the population has increased. We need to increase the population’s resistance against the upcoming mutations of Covid-19 and also against other epidemics, which may even be dangerous.

But, for now, remember to wash your hands and keep your distance.

Take care of yourself and others.

Claus Hancke MD
Specialist in general medicine


  3. Annweiler G et al. Vitamin D Supplementation Associated to Better Survival in Hospitalized Frail Elderly COVID-19 Patients: The GERIA-COVID Quasi-Experimental Study. Nutrients. 2020 Nov;12: 3377 1-12.
  4. Hewison M. Vitamin D and innate and adaptive immunity. Vitam Horm, 2011; vol 86:23-62.
  5. Gombart AF, Pierre A, Maggini S. A Review of Micronutrients and the Immune System-Working in Harmony to Reduce the Risk of Infection. Nutrients. 2020 Jan 16;12(1).
  6. Schwalfenberg GK. A review of the critical role of vitamin D in the functioning of the immune system and the clinical implications of vitamin D deficiency. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2011 Jan;55(1):96-108.
  7. Dancer RC, Parekh D, Lax S, D’Souza V, Zheng S1, Bassford CR, et al. Vitamin D deficiency contributes directly to the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Thorax. 2015 Jul;70(7):617-24.
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  11. Valint S. Vitamin D and Obesity. Nutrients. 2013 Mar; 5(3): 949–956.
  12. McCartney DM, Byrne DG. Optimisation of Vitamin D Status for Enhanced Immuno-protection Against Covid-19. Ir Med J. 2020 Apr 3;113(4):58.
  13. Grant WB, Lahore H, McDonnell SL, Baggerly CA, French CB, Aliano JL, Bhattoa HP. Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths. Nutrients. 2020 Apr 2;12(4). pii: E988.
  14. Aldridge RA, Lewer D, Beale S, et al. Seasonality and immunity to laboratory-confirmed seasonal coronaviruses (HCoV-NL63, HCoV-0C43, and HCoV-229E): results from the Flu Watch cohort study 30 March 2020.
  15. McCullough PJ, Lehrer DS, Amend J. Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 TO 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2019 May;189:228-239.
  16. Ilie PC, Stefanescu S, Smith L. The role of Vitamin D in the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019, infection and mortality. Aging Clinical and Experimental research ( Springer Switzerland. 2020 May 6.
  17. Martineau A, Forouhi N (2020) Vitamin-D for Covid-19: a case to answer. Lancet 2020;8:735-6.
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