Vitamin C and E Protects Children Against Arteriosclerosis

September 1, 2003

Children and young people with increased cholesterol levels may reduce the risk of developing arteriosclerosis if they take a daily supplement of Vitamin C and E. This is the conclusion of a study published in Circulation, published by the American Heart Association.

15 children and young people of the age of 9 to 20 years were part of this study. Half of the children took a daily 500mg Vitamin C and 400i.e. (international units) Vitamin E supplement. The rest of the children took placebo. After 6 weeks the groups were switched.

After 6 weeks of active treatment the results showed a significant betterment of the inner wall of the artery. Vitamins alone do not reduce increased cholesterol, but the vitamins seem to be able to protect the blood vessels against sclerosis and thereby secure that the arteries remain their elasticity.

“This is the first time anyone has studied how antioxidants like Vitamin C and E can better circulatory function,” says the chairman of the Vitality Council, specialist doctor in general medicine, Claus Hancke.

“Even if it is a small study, the results are important for children with increased cholesterol. If they alternatively must have cholesterol lowering medicine for several years, the risk of serious side effects will be pretty high. It is therefore wise to give priority to diet changes and extra Vitamin C and E supplements as a first choice in therapy,” Claus Hancke says.

The American study also involved diet recommendations, but they did not follow those recommendations. Among other things the children got too much animal fat and too little fruit and vegetables. Therefore the doctors chose to combine the diet changes with Vitamin C and E supplementation.

The study is carried out at the University of California, under the supervision of Marguerite Engler, M.D.

By: Per Tork Larsen, DSOM

Circulation 2003;108:802

Vitamin C Soothes Pain from Osteoarthritis in 14 days

July 6, 2003

Vitamin C soothes pain from osteoarthritis in 14 days. That is the conclusion of a Danish scientific study recently published in the Danish medical magazine, Ugeskrift for Laeger.

133 patients with osteoarthritis of the hip joint and knee joint were treated with one gram of vitamin C or placebo twice daily for 14 days. In those who got vitamin C there was clearly better pain relief than in the other group.

The study was made because many people have said that vitamin C has helped with their osteoarthritis.

“Our study, which have been carried out to the highest scientific standard, have shown that vitamin C reduces the pain of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint within 14 days,” says Niels Hertz, specialist in general medicine.

“This effect was statistically exceptionally safe and led to very clear improvements in the functioning of those with arthritis. The magnitude of the effect is equivalent to half what you normally find with arthritis pills (NSAIDs), but unlike these, the treatment with vitamin C is free of side effects and can be tolerated indefinitely.

The finding is extra interesting because other studies have shown that people with arthritis who get a lot of vitamin C do not worsen as much over time as those who get ordinary Danish average amounts. This was found a few years ago in the famous American Framingham study, a result that attracted attention at the time.

In other words, one can imagine that vitamin C not only relieves the pain of osteoarthritis, but also counteracts aggravation of arthritis!

There are many examples of this happening. A retired nurse, I know, meant for approx. 10 years ago that she could no longer avoid a hip operation. She was in so much pain. Then she started taking vitamin C and today she is still not operated on. I see her regularly on the street, without a cane and in a good mood.

Every twentieth Dane receives less than 30 mg of vitamin C a day, and very few come close to the American averages from Framingham. This is highly unfortunate for public health.

Several of the world’s leading experts in vitamin C believe that the recommended daily allowances (RDA) should be significantly increased.

Vitamin C is, in my opinion, a fantastically exciting vitamin, which most likely has several other positive surprises in it. We are far from finished exploring it, ”concludes Niels Hertz.

By: Vitality Council

Jensen, Niels H.P. Hertz, Ugeskr Laeger 2003;165:2563-6.

Vitamin C Gives Less Pain Suffering from Arthrosis in Hip and Knee Joint

June 16, 2003

This is the conclusion of a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled, cross-over multi praxis study with 133 people with X-ray verified symptomatic arthrosis in hip and knee joint.

All in all 94 knee joints and 39 hip joints were evaluated. The participants were treated with one gram of calcium ascorbate or placebo two times daily for 14 days.

A significantly better pain relief were found in the persons having arthrosis in the hip or knee joints taking calcium the ascorbate treatment than in those taking placebo.

The study was started, because many users of Vitamin C have experienced that calcium ascorbate has reduced their arthrosis pain.

Arthrosis is one of the most common reasons for disability in hips and knees. Approximately 6% of the 65 year olds Danes are suffering from arthrosis in one or two hip joints, which may lead to more than 4,000 yearly operations in total.

The pain relief effect of Vitamin C in arthrosis is explained by lessened oxidative stress as followed by the antioxidant function of the Vitamin C.

By: Per Tork Larsen, MD

Jensen, Niels H.P. Hertz, Ugeskr Laeger 2003;165:2563-6.

Children with Asthma are Helped by Antioxidants

May 30, 2002

A new study presented in the scientific magazine of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine shows that antioxidants like Vitamin C and E may protect the lungs of asthmatic children so that they are not harmed by ozone air pollution in the big cities.

158 asthmatic children from the very polluted Mexico City either got a supplement of antioxidants or a control supplement without active substances.

Nobody knew who got what before the code was broken at the end of the study one and a half year later.

The daily supplement given to the children was 50mg Vitamin E and 250mg Vitamin C. In the antioxidant group the children’s lung function was not reduced in those periods of time, where the city was heavily ozone polluted. On the contrary, the lung function of the children who got control tablets was worsened.

The scientists said, that the antioxidants especially seemed to help children with moderate or severe asthma. This points towards that children with advanced asthma are especially vulnerable to ozone, because thay have a weak antioxidant defence i their lungs.

Some asthmatics get severe symptoms, when they breathe in the air borne irritants like ozone found in big cities, coming from cars, power plants and industries.

Also studies made with healthy bikers have shown that antioxidants may reduce the harmfull effects of ozone pollution on lung function.

The scientists behind this study conclude, that asthmatic children in areas with air pollution should have more Vitamin C and E to protect their lungs.

The Vitality Council agrees with this conclusion.
Per Tork Larsen, DSOM


American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2002;166: 703-70

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Joseph E. Pizzorno Jr., Michael T. Murrey & Melvyn R. Werbach.