Vitamins in general, Research references

January 1999

1. Ames BN, Berkeley, Univ. CA et al. High-dose vitamin therapy stimulates variant enzymes with decreased coenzyme binding affinity (increased K-m): relevance to gentic disease and polymorphisms. Am J Clin Nutr, 2002, vol.75, 616-58.
2. Fairfield KM, Fletcher RH, Harvard Medical School, Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults, Scientific Review, JAMA, vol. 287, 3116-26, 2002. (152 refs.)
3. Fletcher RH, Fairffield KM, Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults, Clinical Applications, JAMA, vol. 287, 3127-29, 2002. (23 refs.)


Joseph E. Pizzorno Jr., Michael T. Murrey & Melvyn R. Werbach.